
I don't remember details, but weren't faceless men discussed at a small council meeting with Robert as a way to kill Dany?

I could believe that except for Sansa finding the faces under the bed. If that conversation was staged they wouldn't want Littlefinger to know about that. And wasn't his father from Braavos?

Oh yeah the audio books are horrible. Sorry dear old friend of GRRM.

She's also profoundly DRUNK once we start getting her POV chapters, and in mourning which can affect your thought processes.

Yes. Behind the episode explained what's behind that, and it's a good thing they did or I'd never have figured it out.

But the one in that picture is about a mile from my house. And makes a mean burrito.

Well they had to leak the info, as reporting it to the executive branch had zero effect.

You might be wrong, but you're not alone.

Series 2: due to his recent health 'episode', Pope Lenny is forced to quit smoking, bringing a second crisis of faith.

And I'm not sure I want it!

Never thought I'd be so.worried that McCain could die.

My husband was taking the 'it doesn't matter' line prior to the election when I tried to get him to explain why he was voting for Johnson and he couldn't. I told him if he wasn't going to do the research he should vote for who I told I think he ultimately voted for Hillary.

I have a good friend who is a recovering addict. She's been clean for years, probably around ten, but she carries a big thermos of coffee with her everywhere. Not in a normal way.

He kind of did. He died in 2010.

I watched it and got a little teary but didn't get sobby. Since it was filmed while they were alive it wasn't overly sentimental. There was a sense.that Carrie was preparing herself for her mother's death though.

Eddie Fisher died in 2010. That must have been filmed for some other purpose.


My thoughts too. Even if she didn't go to grad school sooner it's the perfect thing for her to do now, since going to school is what she's best at anyway.

Funny you mention that, reminds me that's what I always used to say about my dad. He mostly didn't interact with us, but he was good with the grandkids.

I think AS-P did a course correction to what she originally intended that relationship to be. He was always going to be a somewhat irresponsible rich kid that Rory should have seen through. That last season turn around (sort of) was not where she wanted that relationship to go.