
My bad! For some reason “Linux Jess” made me think “Jessica” and not “Jesse.” thanks for setting me straight!

This landscape may look like it’s steaming or on fire, but it’s just bright, rich colors of the time of day the

We’ve been seeing a lot of water-based, beach-y, ocean-y wallpapers lately, and that makes us think you guys must be

Thanks for the feature Alan!

I have a bit of a soft spot for desktops that actually look like desktops. Alec’s desktop fits the bill nicely, and

Our friend joergermeister is running Windows 10 in this desktop, but as always, has it customized to look and work

Alan, my only comment would be that you guys might want to consider an update to the “Getting Started” guide for Rainmeter you reference. It is getting pretty long in the tooth as it is five years or so old, and is so far behind where things are with Rainmeter now that it risks doing a bit of a disservice for someone

Hello, thanks for mentioning neofetch in your post!

You bet. Keep up the awesome work!

Man...wish I could get something like this in Windows.

You guys just don’t get REALLY heavy metal

Hey Dobbie , where did you find the Arch logo icon? I find a couple but they don’t render good :(