What did he do? Killed them all, of course.
What did he do? Killed them all, of course.
WHERE IS THAT GLORIOUS BEING happy fucking birthday I hope someone got her Harry Styles.
It’s also Adultosaur’s birthday, Jezebel’s favorite dinosaur!
I dunno about delicate sensibilities. That show straight up terrified me as a kid. I used to have nightmares that Ren was going to come into my room at night and murder me.
None of my friends know what I’m talking about when I bring up Eureka’s Castle. Before IMDB I thought I dreamed it up.
I’m boycotting until “Are You Afraid of the Dark” comes back and also to DVD
The first rule of daycare fight club? Nothing containing peanuts. And everyone gets a trophy.
Honestly, once she up and married Ron, of all people, it was like I didn’t even know her anymore. Nothing surprises me now.
There is a spinach and kale mix I buy in the pre-boxed lazy person greens section and it’s outstanding.
Ranch dressing is dumb. Croutons are bad mojo. Shredded cheddar cheese is offensive. A coupla barely ripe tomato wedges are a travesty. Shaved carrots are a slap in the face. Simply tossing these things atop a pile of listless iceberg does not a good salad make.
Give me Niçoise salad or give me fucking death.
I love Laffy taffy jokes #notbeingironic
you are a chill person and u keep saying chill things that everyone is appreciating
See, I’m worried that it’s gonna get too hyped up and then end up being a disaster like freakshow. I remember when I was getting so pumped about all the promo pictures being released and thinking freakshow was going to be the perfect theme and then.....BLEH.
i am guessing he will be molded after hh holmes in ahs hotel.
im actually personally offended that tate is #2
Um, is this for real?
What really impresses me about Japanese bento items is that Japanese children are expected to eat around the little toys without choking, whereas US children can’t (or won’t) be trusted to eat a Kinderegg properly.
I’m a grown ass man, yes I could keep the shit together if I had to.
Yes, far better than I’m capable of, frankly.