
Ding, ding, ding! That's what I was getting at. Because an NFL QB bust with legal problems is Ryan Leaf, not Jamarcus Russell. Ol' danorocks1717 here obviously doesn't quite grasp that.

Badgers should be way higher. Badgers are awesome.

You're being very generous with the meat content of a McDonald's burger.

I hope FSU grants the postponement. That way, Jameis can devote more time to his upper-level women and gender studies course.

If the school says 'no,' won't Jameis just do what he wants to anyway?

Same here. I was disappointed.

"Jays are very territorial birds, and they will chase others from a feeder for an easier meal. Additionally, the blue jay may raid other birds' nests, stealing eggs, chicks, and nests."

These rankings make no sense.

The Aristocrats!

Having once eaten a McDonald's burger, I'm confident that I can cross about 83% of these animals off of the list.

I'd eat General Tsao's Panda.

Ambulatory Maturbatory

I would like 3 Gustavs, 4 of the revolver 40mm launchers, 2 Javelins, an RPG-7, and the new 40mm machine gun grenade launcher.

pew pew pew pew pew pew

This only matters if you believe Putin is behaving rationally. It's not about who would win a conventional war, it's about how unhinged someone appears to be despite commanding nearly half of the world's nuclear arsenal.

"Russia is the equivalent of the High School quarterback/prom king working at jiffy lube in his mid-30's."

Sorry to be crass but at least 5 of us have a dick big enough to fuck the entire world, even France, so there's just no reason to just have it out swinging in the wind. Zip it up buddy it's not 1988.

"So he wants to wave his nuclear wang..."

Meh. Nobody but Ukraine is scared of his conventional forces - so he wants to wave his nuclear wang around to make himself feel important. As if the US doesn't have its own insurmountable nuclear stockpile with myriad unstoppable delivery options.