Needs more RKO.
Needs more RKO.
*Looks at my I do Alpha Male Shit t-shirt
Well I guess my War Machine costume is a scratch then too.
They buried with their other weapons so she has it back.
Well Andrea was like a see guys I can do it too! She was that type of approval seeking whiny. Carol on the other hand, is a fuck it if I want it right I'm doing it myself like a boss.
Carol since she's the only one smart enough to go with a gun as a primary weapon. Gun > Crossbow > Sword.
Holy shit, didn't realize she was 29 since as previously stated, she looks like she's 16.
Plastic Surgery
This video requires some serious Jim Ross.
I'll tell you what happened in #2. Open bar ended and it switched to a paid bar. Buddies are getting and drunk and see their good friend. One buys him a shot and the next thing you know one drink has now become like 6 shots because the other guys can't get shown up and the groom is hammered.
No she can't, in fact she's lost to the 203rd ranked man in the world already.…
Also, Roddick has hit in the 150 range while Serena at her best couldn't break 130mph. That's a Roddick second serve at worst.
You can make the argument she's a great tennis player and one of the best…
I'd imagine it'd be pretty boring just a Russian flying around like "wtf where is he?" Then a boom and falling plane as he dies.
Also, I hope it's a total death machine. Anyone flying that tech isn't really our friend so the more of their expensive to train pilots and planes that go down the better.
Good to see these athletes finally putting those communication majors to the test. Also, HOT TAKE DIANA! Writers are jealous that their jobs are being rendered obsolete by the internet. Who knew?
Cruz - Coach will I catch it?...*falls and grabs knee
Yeah but now they got double the clicks. It's a win for Deadspin.
Instead of trying to block it and looking like an idiot he should have just let it go.
In this case she could have been a white woman and they'd have done it too. The same exact thing is happening to the lady from NBC that left her house for a sandwich. The one doctor that was flown back in the bubble and saved with the ZMAPP was a white man and people still freaked out about him too. Seriously, race…
They feel your pain.
Thinking Marc Gasol and Pau Gasol even play a similar style is pretty dumb. Yes they play in the post but, they each have a completely different array of moves and expectations in a defense.
Yeah Kinja is really circling the wagons hardcore here. Not like I haven't read nearly identical posts on Jezebel, Kotaku, Gawker, and elsewhere already.