Man Sons of Anarchy has a crazy viral marketing team.
Man Sons of Anarchy has a crazy viral marketing team.
AIDS is a better example but nice try.
Considering that 16 of the Doctors with out borders staff have contracted Ebola and 9 have died I have to say you're not going to get many volunteers that way. Especially when you see the horrible facilities and lack of protective gear.
It's Jezebel and they are like the ISIS of the liberal feminist movement.
You can also add to that the fact if an American Hospital left a patient dead on the floor in their own urine they'd be sued to kingdom come. Africa not so much.
So you mean like Vice who actually went over there and did a documentary on it.
Yeah the Liberian governments and other African governments aren't really doing too much to help the situation.
Scroll down to the part about parents and their purchasing. I'm sure a great deal of the female purchase power here is gift buying. This study also includes social mobile games of the angry birds/candy crush variety and are a huge chunk of that. According your study 55% of it. Now, I can be completely mistaken here…
Was it Affluenza? I hear that works.
It's Gawker media and it's just like anything else. Build a cult and capitalize off of the profits. In this case it's the feminist cult.
Also, I don't get why this became such a big deal. Seriously, white men buy the most games. If you don't like the direction a company is going then boycott the shit out of them. That…
When did Gina Carano join the PPK? Man these Fast and Furious 7 promos are getting ridiculous.
Man, Kevin James career really tanked after Here Comes the Boom.
Somewhere over at Valleywag Sam Biddle saw this article and began touching himself.
"Bring it" - Oscar Pistorius
Sure go look up those articles comments sections and I'm sure you'll see that. (more eye rolling here)
"The sound of a shotgun being racked is unmistakable. Cock your empty shotgun, and the dude will probably bail. If not, beat the shit out of him with it."
That is the worst advice I've ever heard. You've taken a violent situation, escalated it to lethal without having a means to defend yourself in the same manner.…
...must resist...can't...IT'S BECAUSE SHE'S A WHITE WOMAN!
You sure you didn't actually watch Law Abiding Citizen with Gerrad Butler instead?
Look up Night and Days man. You can sleep in them and they are amazing.
And yet if a cop says this in a rape case it's victim blaming whereas here people say it's good sense. hmmm...