You can shoot and kill a deer with a bow but that doesn't mean a shotgun isn't easier.
You can shoot and kill a deer with a bow but that doesn't mean a shotgun isn't easier.
Yeah just like leaving gang signs from extremely large and powerful gangs on your garage without painting over them because they thought it added to the culture.
You know how that gets fixed? Venice police go NYPD on them. NYC used to have these problems back in the day but, they started getting more aggressive about cleaning up and now that it's cleaner and safer people are complaining that the police are too violent. Seriously, you're going to have one of two problems here…
Watching people try to avoid/balance needing a man, wanting a weapon, gentrification, the police, and homeless in one batch without stepping on toes is so hilarious.
The first paragraph is pretty meh because this would happen in Venice regardless. It's nice warm beachfront property.
The second part though is a really damn good point. I normally never say this but, in this case that reeks ignorant white person. Had this been gang related I'd only really feel sympathy for the child…
Isn't constantly uncomfortable the liberal feminist stance? It should feel like normal at this point. Like when a you've worn a scratchy sweater for hours.
Yeah the wall of text a few comments higher is definitely better crazy than this.
Have you never heard of Zappos?
+ a hopeful 2
Paste to Notepad and transfer son!
Don't I know about it - Brian Banks.
"We know that an individual has given testimony to law enforcement that he had sexual relations with the alleged victim less than an hour before the alleged sexual conduct with our client took place. In fact, testimony indicates that the young lady in question was the sexual aggressor in that interaction."
The only…
Well if he didn't rape her as he's saying she's not really a victim and that's where the defense lawyer is working from.
Victim blaming is contingent on believing there is a victim. In the defense lawyers case the victim is his client for having his image slaughtered in the public. Therefore he's attacking a liar, not a rape victim.
Considering Turkey's lax stance on these issues I think it's time for America to tell Turkey to go fuck itself.
Easy solution take this… and attach it to the nuclear reactor. Tada you've pretty much just made a Death Star that can pretty much obliterate smaller ships at will and quickly.
To be fair they've shown more in the report than the Florida offense has shown all year!
Well it'd be Hebrew. Judaism is a religion not a nationality.
"There are people who criticize Israel who are anti-semitic — plenty of them — but the fact that large swaths of the American Jewish community have turned any criticism of Israel into "THIS MUST BE ANTI-SEMITISM" is a steaming pile of crap."
This usually never happens in your sub-blog but, your part of Jezebel which is…