Yeah but make this a sports article about a woman with high testosterone getting left out of a competition and suddenly woman can do everything a man can...unless it's defending themselves from assault.
Yeah but make this a sports article about a woman with high testosterone getting left out of a competition and suddenly woman can do everything a man can...unless it's defending themselves from assault.
I don't know, when I was in College all of the Campus crime alerts for rape had to do with women walking alone down a dark street.
Seriously, they do stuff like this and then wonder how people can believe that Anne Gus articles and the cancel Father's Day are real things. Answer: There isn't too much difference.
Well that's fine with me as I don't watch woman's sports anyway.
Yeah..."or in this case, how much testosterone they produce? " You're pretty much encouraging doping or TRT at the very least and most of those are already banned. Also, no one is banning her from competing, just competing as a woman. She's perfectly free to get faster and try to make a men's team. Oh wait it's not…
Good point. Well I guess it's the child sex thing then...?
Yeah the whole teen sex thing doesn't play out well on TV. Also the whole child killing would be worse if they were younger.
Joins? It's always been part of the Catholic Church. Like it has been a Catholic institution from the start. I have no idea why people are so shocked they are doing this.
Really easy solution your problem...don't work for Notre Dame. I don't know why people are so shocked that Notre Dame would do this it's a Catholic institution for Christ sake. Like plenty of people could like hobbies so that's at least understandable to get mad at that one. This though? Your pretty much committing to…
In my experience women liking sports isn't that off when it comes to their teams. I live in Ohio and there are a ton of girls I know who are super into the the Browns, Buckeyes, Cavs, Indians, etc. The difference between those girls and guys though is after those games are over they are done with sports for the day.…
Just roll through and level Raqqa like WWII style. Might give them pause before they consider doing anything after that.
Yeah even the Ottoman Empire didn't divide up the borders as stupidly as the Europeans did with Iraq. Honestly, the best plan would be get Turkey on Board for a Kurdistan in the north, give the East to Iran and wrap up the west with the new Syrian government after this.
I can't really blame them for not getting involved. I doubt that guy needed those brain cells anyway judging by that video so it's all good.
Damn I came here specifically for that! You beat me to it.
Revolutionary War - USA Victory
War of 1812 - USA Victory
Mexican-American War - Texas Victory
Civil War - North Victory (Could label that a tie if we're being picky)
Spanish-American War - USA Victory
WWI - Allied/USA Victory
WWII - Allied/USA Victory
Korean War - (Technically in Overtime)
Vietnam War - USA Loss
Looks down...what do you mean the 90s?
So I suppose the question is then, when do moving gay couples affect the legal situation enough that it becomes an interstate/Federal issue vs. a states right issue?
Yeah because field size wasn't an issue so they never changed it. That being said it's changed a ton. They've moved the field goal posts, changed end zone depth, modified rules, moved refs around on the field, and etc. If it was broke it was fixed. Also, I'm not going to argue baseball because I think it's boring as…
Your country fell from Global Power and lost it's colonies in the Americas. It then lost it's colonies in India, and then lost it's colony in Hong Kong but, it still watches a boring ass sport. Your point is?