Well it be easy to see through that one.
<Apology Letter/Resignation>
Beeridness - After watching the Ray Rice video I needed a particular fine strong libation so I chose Arrogant Bastard IPA as it was the perfect beer for my mood after my judgement...
You ever see that ESPN special on Matt Hoffman? Similar deal where the injuries etc. have pretty much worn his body down beyond belief. Those guys are a special kind of crazy.
A pattern like say more accusations from 2012 and a dead child in 2013?
Yeah, I'm that type of drunk too but it's only happened once after a fantasy football draft. We got hammered drunk and cut off and when the waitress was like, "please don't be angry but I have to cut you off" we were like, "aww, shit we got that bad that quick?" Good times there.
Also, that has to suck, hope you had a…
I approve - Darren Rovell
You know to be fair those drunk people usually have friends that pull them back and out. Everywhere I've been/worked where I've seen that happen an embarrassed girlfriend or group of buddies pulled them out. The only place I didn't see that happen where it was self policed the bouncer threw the dude out on his ass. So…
I'm sure the Saints with Offensive Genius Sean Payton at the helm were wondering what to do with Sproles in 2011...Obviously, they had no idea how to use him. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/all_pu…
In a perfect Jezebelian world all heroes would be Black, gender-fluid, trans-women.
At least you're not black and blue like Peterson's kids.
It's a nice idea but this is just something to pretend like we care. If the VA fiasco shows anything it's that no one really cares, we just want to pretend like we do.
If you're willing to sacrifice the people to begin with I'd say allow people to do it in the way that allows for the most efficient killing/winning of a war. Like half of the restrictions on bullets, fragments, etc. are ridiculous.
Hey man she loves the way he lies. Also she likes the way it hurts.
Just like praising fellow domestic abuser Bill Murray right below the Rihanna comment! Time does heal everything.
I've always felt the only good laws in Geneva convention dealt with POWs. The weapons restrictions are stupid. It's war after all and putting those restrictions in is stupid. Heck if we want a gentlemanly and polite war we can go back to lining up and shooting each other in ranks.
As long as the NFL ditched Cee Lo on the NFL Network I'm fine.
Those damn suffering artists.
Whoa, she totally made a song about domestic violence with Eminem. That's like totally a statement on it that is both hard hitting and relevant. /sarcasm
Hey it's "Iron Patriot" sir.