
I am, what the fuck is Idaho doing on there?

"I could benefit from that." - Dom Capers

So the moral is can't blind them but killing them is totally ok. GOOD TO KNOW!

The guy had no choice but to come back and take his head off. Fucking zombies man.

Ah the financial excuse is dead. He's no longer making money and she could rake in the dollars in a divorce now and then get a public speaking/book deal in which she talks about her struggles with domestic violence. Seriously, she'd make bank now. Also, I'm pretty sure she graduated from Rutgers so it's not she can't

No but his follow up request that they play more Macklemore was.

"See guys the new domestic abuse policy is for violence against women, children don't count." - Roger Goodell

Considering he has already had a child beaten to death (albeit not his fault) I'd say it's safe if you pray that he just avoids his kids at all cost.

Yeah at this point it's redundant.

Not man QB have the body for the game when they take about 10-15 big hits because they refuse to step out or slide. He's a idiot for that and all the talent in world won't help when you make bad decisions.

The thing that bugged me the most about this game is that Skip Bayless called this and the game before it nearly perfect...dafuq.

They probably are (if they are public school) but, I doubt Chic-Fil-A sues to give away money. Generally not a good business model.

Yeah, I'm sure they just shrugged if off and kept the $21k and were like "ok, private profit it is".

I really don't think Chic Fil A is sweating it too much considering it was a donation. They just have extra profits now. Whee! Whereas the school is out of funding for sports. #winning

At 8 seconds they aren't even in frame so you're already off there, 23 and 24 at the same time and after getting in her face he back away. Again, what video are you talking about?

Also you think I'm white, that's cute. Have fun fucking yourself with a splintery broom stick while getting off to your white guilt and

Now playing

Really so much cowering in the video. Seriously, the reason most people are so hard to get on board with shit is because you people are so anxious to appear morally right you try to blow everything out of proportion because BY GOD DO WE IT OWE IT TO VARIOUS MINORITIES! Seriously, no need as Ray Rice is a fucking

Why should I when you've obviously buried your head so far up your own ass that you've literally fucked yourself over a few good times. Seriously, the events in the elevator are pretty clear cut and even with that there was no reason for Rice to punch her out as I've stated numerous times but obviously that's still a

Did you watch the same video I did? She gets in the elevator and they are obviously arguing, he pushes at her, she spits in his face, then he pushes again, she springs at him and gets knocked out. Didn't really see anything punching worthy and didn't see any cowering. What I saw until the punch was a relatively

I'd say more about geography too, Asians do well in NYC and Cali from what I hear. Ohio...not so much. Also check the stats, among all women Asian men get the worst results. Black women too.

I'm not saying it's her fault, and nowhere in my post do I imply that it's her fault at all. What I'm saying she's not acting like someone who's been viciously beaten before, of course though its hard to have proper reading comprehension from so far up on that high horse.