
I read that blog and say to myself, as a Asian male I'm probably totally fucked. Add to the fact that I wouldn't consider myself attractive and it's pretty much a death blow to online dating as picture attractiveness and race seem to be the two big foot in the door openers. I've seriously even tested this by using one

Oh please do tell Mr. domestic violence expert who was able to tell there had to be prior incidences based on the way he stood.

To counter that point Janay doesn't react like someone who's been one hit KO'ed before. If she'd had a history of getting beaten she'd probably be cowering in the corner and not running at him.

Yeah, well if it does get out nothing happens you get mocked for reporting domestic abuse by a woman and become a joke. See Jay-Z. Seriously, though people just need to cut ties and go. "But, but, most woman get killed trying to leave." Well that's more of an issue with law enforcement than anything else. If you've

That's what I keep telling people Ray Rice is retarded because he won his championship before committing the crime and not afterwards. Duh!

Shame because people would have a sense of humor then.

Because Deadspin.

I was mainly making a joke about the sanctity of straight marriage but okay go with the head biting off.

"Five Thirty Eight found that among men with similar incomes, the rate of domestic violence arrests among NFL players since the year 2000 is astronomical."

So committing a crime 55.4% as much as the rest of your demographic is staggering? Sure it looks pretty in a bar graph and you could believe that but, it's not

To be fair I'd actually believe Janay when she said that's the first time Ray hit her. The charging at a person response isn't the usual response of someone who has been one punch KOed before.

I know plenty of woman who love a their team but 0 who are willing to watch NFL games all day once "the game" is over. Guys, we're willing to watch from 1pm-11pm and again on Mondays...and on Thursdays...all after a Saturday of College Football.

Eh, I'm more pissed the government not punishing Ray Rice. If they aren't I can't really be too pissed at the NFL as I (along with everyone else) should really just be disgusted with our court system.

Always love the assumptions people on here make about people based on the way the author spins an article. Just like those frat guys who are probably awesome gentleman just because they lip dubbed a Taylor Swift song!

Do tell, so Dtorre is just a troll because he disagreed with the account? I don't know many guys that go out of the place to just cold cock a woman for getting tapped on the shoulder. I think it played out like the Dtorre said, dude is creep, girl gets mad confronts him, probably slaps him or something, and bam he

With shows like Married at First Sight and people like Newt Gingrich around are you saying that straight marriage hasn't been mocked enough?

You know I wonder if this was just horrible case of autocorrect in Word. Like the PR team gets and this is like, "John didn't you proofread this shit? It's like I'm taking crazy pills here!"

That's exactly what I was thinking.

Did you know it adds 2 inches to your dick? #fact

...the power to punish this...you mean like local, state, and federal governments that can and don't really? Wow who knew the NFL was more powerful than them.