The oil down the desert way, has been shakin’ to the top, the Sheik he drove his C[amaro], he went a’ cruisin’ down…
The oil down the desert way, has been shakin’ to the top, the Sheik he drove his C[amaro], he went a’ cruisin’ down…
“All cars are flyin’ cars if ya got a ramp!” Emeritus Professor of Aerodynamics, Bo Duke
There was a street in my town where a kid riding his dirtbike at 90 mph hit a tree in someone’s yard. Not on the edge of the yard, but up in the middle. For a couple years the guy who owned the house put up with people trampling his grass every weekend and leaving offerings which blew all over. Not to mention that…
It can also be an eyesore. A few years ago some kids died near a import company’s parking lot (near a river bank—the kids drowned) not far from where I live. Their friends set up a memorial of candles, stuffed toys and the like and it didn’t take long for the rather large pile of items to get smashed flat by the…
“No HOA is ever going to look good taking a memorial to a loved one down.”
I was once at a dance club where the gentlemen don’t dance. My colleague asked one of the young women if hers were real as they were defying gravity. Her response was classic: “would it matter if your d**k was between them?”
Jeep all the way. Fairly slow, fairly safe and, most importantly, a mobile bedroom. Cherokees are much more practical than a Wrangler though.
I wound up in Arkansas accidentally.
How do we know that the Lambo was even being driven, though. Maybe it was peacefully parked and just talked back to Brown once too often and he knocked it about until it “learned some fucking respect”.
I sure hope his insurance plan includes a really strong umbrella-ella-ella-ella clause.
Soon they’ll be in Africa, driven by a guy in a 2017 Packers NFC Champs T-Shirt and Hat.
Notre Dame players think that they can simply apoligize during the last minute of the game all their personal fouls will magically disappear.
I really don’t want to know how many unplanned pregnancies happened in and around this vehicle.
I doubt it, my buddy’s custom AWD twin turbo C5 Vette is faster.
The older I get the more I’m convinced that “everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” is the truest and most perfect philosophical statement ever uttered.
Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.
Not the NASCAR Hall of Fame! That could really alienate some of the protesters’ core supporters.
je suis fucking him on the side.