
He created as much “modern” wordplay as used.

I think birds are likely more predictable— they are almost always going to fly away from a plane.

When were you on Connie? I was ship’s company ‘99-’03; IM3 div.

It’s not. Slept under #2 cat on Constellation (CV-63) ‘99-’03... pretty damn close to the Starboard CIWS, too, for extra insomniatical fun.

Been there, done that. I was on TR from ‘93-’96.

Shakespeare (Hamlet, specifically) never goes out of style.

The mouse doth protest too much, methinks. ..

I think that middle frog was on the football team in my high school... That guy would hump anything that breathed and a couple things that didn't.

I was considering that position myself, but then this mysterious firewall thing popped up... Not a fan of public laundry-waving.

I could list a few popular authors who could use this service...

This ruins the film for me...

Main drive fail killed backup drive.

In that case, I’d be spammed with “make money from home” ads...

I remember sitting in my workcenter on the aircraft carrier watching the ‘plat camera’ feed just as an F/A-18A caught the #2 wire.

My guess is FedEx...

Holy carp!

Okay, I see ten hours a week, but how time would I actually end up spending on this?

Why do I suddenly hear the James Bond theme all of a sudden?

Ruling a collision an accident is not the issue. As you say, people make mistakes.

I think it does, actually. Every time one of my kids knocks an other one down, I hear, “I sorry, it accident.” and that, theoretically makes everything all better. For that matter, I hear parents tell the victims, “it’s okay, it was an accident.” Never mind the victim is still sitting there crying, and everyone is