
It isn’t even fazing him... Bad-ass Bald Eagle is bad ass!

Driving at high speed, dodging through traffic is inviting a crash.

Whatever you do... don’t sneeze.

So... what I am seeing, correct me if I’mwrong and I probably am, is that the intarwebs is comprised of [insert number] shades of grey?

But what tastes better, red or yellow?

I’m afraid that it will be a long, long time before humans regard others as people rather than men and women...

You should see what she posts on Facebook...

325 spiders... In one room.

I think I peed myself a little...

Did they eat the pigs? Would the pork contain tetrodotoxin?


I like the roots one...

Sauron could not be reached for comment.

I have worked maintenance in the airline industry for almost eight years now, and I have yet to see any damage to an aircraft done by turbulence.

All the more reason to make movies about them rather than retread...

The lab on a chip I want to see is the one that tells me when I actually have to change my oil.

You are probably right, but that doesn’t excuse the abuse of the reporting system to harass people.

Sometimes that’s the only way to communicate with family/friends... or Arab Spring is another example where one might need to hide but still use social media

Okay, I understand that Jobs had a significant impact on today’s society and all that, but there are other people who have done so as well... why not an Einstein biopic? Feynman? Marie Curie, FFS... I’m quite tired of hearing about Jobs, and fifth damn movie about him.

Be that as it may, they are losing a market share and valuable data from specific groups; meanwhile bragging about how diverse and inclusive they are.