
I went to Catholic church each Sunday from age 7 to 17 and what I always took from it was “God gave us Jesus to teach us how to be nicer people, then God called Jesus back because people had free will and Jesus had pretty much done all the teaching he had come to do. Advent candles around Christmas; braid a palm leaf

The fact that all the other actors have returned (aside from, tragically, Glenn Quinn) means that either ABC plopped down buckets of money for everyone or everyone really does want to make this show just as good as the original.

I finished listening to the “The Half-drowned King” on audio book (by Linnea Hartsuyker). It’s the first in a trilogy about a Viking saga. It was so-so. It had promise, but I never felt drawn into the characters. Plus about half-way through a seer reveals her vision, and well, not much suspense after that...

Yeah, there’s a reason I live in the great white north - too cold for most venomous things.

Not always (according to my friend)

Five great ones (favourites? would have to depend on my mood) No particular order:

But Cruise is known to often ask to do his own stunts.

Teenaged me would have said “Par Avion” by Mike and the Mechanics.

So I can’t claim my spouse and offspring as emotional support on my way to an exotic destination?

...and was reportedly writing directly on the behalf of “President Donald J. Trump and Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.”

Yes, until this AV Club post I had never heard of him. Sometimes it’s good to not bring attention to these people.

I don’t like to make fun of the way people look, but some days it’s really hard not too.

I never realized Mila M. was so much younger than Brian. I had to check after reading your post to see if Brian had remarried.

How about the British spelling: foetus? That only covers one word though. Maybe Urban Dictionary for the rest.

Not that it’s on the same level, but this comic reminded me of the “boring Archie” comics I would sometimes come across as a kid. Only later did I figure out those were Christian Archie comics. No sex or abortions in those ones though.

But this is the guy who announced his run for prez by claiming he’d build a wall to keep out the bad hombres (yes, mixed Trump-metaphores, but you get my meaning).

Dolores Umbridge, personified?

Just hire prostitutes to pee on his grave. And afterwards, stick photos of non-whites and ACLU labels all over his tombstone. And pussy hats.

Of course I find fault with Melania for marrying Trump. She made that choice. Trump’s kids’ didn’t get to pick who fathered them (not that I’m giving them a pass).

Why feel sorry for Melania? Sincere question.