
Sorry man, that sounds rough. Good luck!

Sadly they do believe that all airline pilots are in on it. For what gain? Who knows.

Or fly a drone to the “ends of the earth”.


Sadly yes. We heard from Donald’s own mouth bragging how he grabs women by the crotch, whether they want him to or not, just because he can. And fools still voted for him. How could a soggy mattress even faze them - they would probably just be impressed.

That seemed so easy! Now why isn’t public pressure working on Trump this quickly?


My brain has just decided to pretend that this is just a terrible TV show that for some reason has been renewed.

It would be nice to see him land in jail, but I fear the system will protect him. Just like Cosby.

Have you seen the original (European) “The Vanishing”?

Maybe the university/city could charge speakers for security? But I suppose this would prevent many non-inflammatory speakers from booking.

I’ve met two such fans so far here in Canada. Two too many!

It does! And for those who have never heard of this great Canadian youth:

I think it’s in the general American psyche that they are always winners.

I haven’t read the books, but in a recent episode didn’t Claire tell Frank to divorce her, and he refused because he was worried he would lose Brianna? I don’t think his lover can put all of the blame on Claire. Having said that, I felt pretty sorry for Frank this season (and especially with his convenient death -

But I wanted ice...

Yes - both financially or emotionally...

I’m undecided about it. It seemed very “rah-rah America” when very little good news seems to be coming out of the USA (for some time now). But maybe I’m just still sad about Tom Petty...

CFL isn’t too bad - “Our balls are bigger” as they say...

How about the country of Nambia?