
We call it Canada Day, not Independence Day.

Reading your comment reminds me of the “swish swish swish” sounds during the British rap! I could have used subtitles for the lyrics though.

If I only knew which arena the Grammys were at yesterday...

The Offspring’s Bad Habit is pretty awesome.

So I now expect to see Pam Grier on next season’s Barry... please make this happen.

This article reads as if it were written by Rita Skeeter...

I thought this was a great episode. I was surprised that Gleeson was the host given that I didn’t think he was that well known in the USA. I found him to be delightful and charming - A different energy than the typical host but I liked it. Sketches were pretty decent (especially PDD) - an improvement over last week’s

I love the Hudson Bay Blanket behind the Queen!

Yes - I assumed Clueless and Election would have been on the AV list...

I enjoyed the Dooley sketch - the physical comedy was great!

Thanks for this! I nominate you to take over the SNL reviews (not sarcasm).

NewsRadio Dave Foley is good but I’d have gone with Kids in the Hall Dave Foley.

Matthew’s death (or rather seconds before his death) was the most ridiculous bit of acting in that show. I still laugh about it (not the plot, the acting). I took it to be the actor’s big F U to Julian F.

I always assumed Mary was the show’s villain...

Was momentarily confused by the headline - I was thinking of Heidi Fleiss...

Yikes, glad to hear you’ve gotten out of that situation. Best of luck.

I love B99 but that scene with Boyle at the end was treading a bit too close to that “serious moment” of 80s sitcoms.

Yes, Wayfarers were definitely in style in the 90's. And now it seems everything is in style. With all of the retro movies and TV shows covering a variety of decades, plus a plethora of ___-chic (e.g, nerd-chic, 50's-chic, etc.) embraced everywhere (in North America anyway), I’d say “doing your own thing” is the

It’s unfortunate he’s not originally from Norway...

Been re-watching Flute of the Condors, I mean Flight of the Conchords, after a many-year lull. Holds up!