
Okay, I'll give you Taber, Cardston and Red Deer. And Harper's old riding in SW Calgary.

I assume he'll take out Coady - poetic justice?

Hey, hey, hey, please no lumping all Albertans as Americans! Alberta's got a socialist government (ya, okay, for the first time is 40+ years, but still), and one of it's major cities (Calgary) has a muslim mayor who appears quite left leaning.

Spoilers! :)

It is 911 in Canada too. I don't think she had time to call. Just getting up off the chair would have been too much. Plus she knows some of the cops (and possibly other first responders) are dirty.

Not Another Monkey Brothel Laser Attack?

How about the guy who drove over his own head?

That reminded me of "conscience uncoupling", which made me think of GOOP, which brought up "Mooch-Goop". I think Paltrow's got a new name for the stuff you put in your vagina.

I wish, but gerrymandering…

So is Spicer Piggy?

Noted. Thanks!

Thanks for the history lesson! I thought your original post might have been tongue-in-cheek, but wasn't sure if I was missing something. I had heard that Carter was so invested in getting the Americans out of Iran that he didn't even invest much time campaigning. But I think I also heard that it probably wouldn't have

Do you teach in the Alberta bible belt?

I can't wait to see a photo of the birthday cake on cakewrecks.com!

Why is Carter history's greatest monster? (I'm not American) Or is this an inside joke?

I don't understand why adjectives are a bad thing. What if there are two Billys? What if the parent volunteered in the class, got to recognize/know a few of the kids but forgot their names? What if the parent would like to say hi to Billy when he's picking up Timmy from school so he can encourage a new friendship

Just an example: Kid comes home from school and says a boy in his class was really nice to him today.
- "That's great Timmy! Which boy was that?"
- "Billy"
- "Which one is Billy again?"
Answer one: - "The boy in the blue shirt."
Answer two" - "The tall Asian boy."

And casting no aspersions, forgiveness, etc.

Maybe, maybe not. But as a non-American, I'd say it's definitely the the image Americans seem to portray, and have been doing so for decades. It's why Canadians travel with little maple leaves sewn on travelling gear: "We are not American".