
This was well written and thought out! Great job! (not sarcasm - true compliment).

Uh, I don't know if you comment is a parody, but not cool.

I'm out of the loop of lots of cultural things, including Kinja. I assume it's a Japanese anime film fest?

Yes. And Germanic one too (why can't they all be neuter?).

French Canadiens do, but the France-French kids I know say "e-mail". Same for magaziner/shopping.

But Merkel is quite intelligent (Ph.D.) and seems pretty astute, so that puts her miles ahead of DT.

But we have central heating in Canada

To be fair, there are few who don't…


I agree. If they want to politicize it, how about the fact that Trump made it easier for mentally unwell folks to buy guns?

3.5, if it cheers you up…

Sexlexia? Is this something from the news that I missed?

This happened to me too.

An ice cream trinity?

And as poverty increases, so does crime…

Wait, feral raccoons? Aren't they just wild in the first place?

IIRC, the Toronto Zoo has an excellent collection of naked mole rats…

How about the people of Bee-ewe-dapest?

Really? I've only seen parts of two of his (JC not JF) and he giggled non-stop at his own "jokes".

I agree, and while I know jack-all about how the late night talk show biz works, I wonder if Jimmy was told by NBC that Trump was going to be on his show. How much say does the host have regarding his guests?