
I thought he was already reading from a book, a much smaller book: "See Donald run. We are building a wall. A great wall. Donald is great. Make America great. Again."

Justin Bieber at my place…

At first I read that as "Old is the Neil Young", which would be pretty cool to have on a hoodie.

Absolutely serious comment - not trolling… Does anyone else get really angry when they hear about someone famous dying because of drugs? Not that I think that being famous is the end-all-be-all, rather that usually these people were well off and could be leading great lives. Perhaps angry isn't the right word; maybe

When Dallas did that with Bobby was when I gave up on that show. I had only gotten into the show because my best friend loved it, but no friendship was worth that dumb story line and wasting a year of the audience's time.

So it was a dinner of rocks and salt?


Or is it Lobstereo, the delicious delivery of dual decibels by Decapoda?


I guess we will find out in the show's sequel "Boys" - set 22 years in the future, with Grover (that is always going to be a muppet name) and his buddies, the post-millennials.

"Thirty minutes of a baby crying and people yelling about breast feeding" - yup, that sounds pretty much what it's like after having your first baby. Points for realism - but it doesn't make great TV watching.

I just assumed that the powers that be at NBC forced Trump on SNL (or at least that's what I tell myself).

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by H Styles' strong voice and I loved that his music was guitar-heavy (as opposed to the synth-heavy stuff on the radio).

Agree about James Corden… I've only watched bits of his show twice, and both times he was doubled over with infantile laughter about putting his guests in uncomfortable situations (eating gross food, and chucking vegetables at them while they stand behind a plexiglass shield). He was the only one laughing.

I don't remember hating the movie (it was so-so), but it was pretty dumb that they thought Bowie's "Heroes" was a rarely heard song.

I thought you meant "Cold Comfort Farm" - I thought it was delightfully twee!

I went to see this movie because I had heard how impressive the 3D graphics were (it was my first 3D movie). Unfortunately I must have had defective glasses or was sitting in a bad spot because the movie was fuzzy to me and nothing looked 3D (but not so for my friends who were with me). I assumed I was one of those

I don't think so. Huh, there must more than one self-pitying guy on Facebook.

I think we have the same male Facebook acquaintance. He's kind of an Eeyore.

Also an episode on Friends…