
I remember seeing Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo in theatre as a kid. Like you, I don't remember anything about it.

I haven't seen Liquid Sky - I'll have to check it out.

Liquid Dreams was pretty bad…

I tried to read that book but I'm scared that it is too real…

Plus the bad publicity…

How about Prince John in the Disney version of Robin Hood? The thumb-sucking lion? The one with the snake (Sir Hiss) hissing into his ear?

Yup. But they use it in place of "thaw".

Astral Weeks, Moondance, and The Very Best of Van Morrison (the Bang Years). I'm sure I'll get through more as time goes one.

Aren't you supposed to reply with "Worst impression eh-ver"?

I've recently rediscovered Van Morrison classics!

I don't know - the kid's reaction seemed pretty genuine. At first he seemed politely uncomfortable and then shocked when he figured it out.

I thought they were shuttering the coal fired plants?

Like Capri-Sun? As a kid more than once I punched the straw right through both sides of the bag :(

Your use of the word "unfrozen" reminds me that in some farming communities here in western Canada, the word "unthawed" is often used.

What kind of breasts have you seen/imagined?

From a non-American viewpoint, I'd say according to pop culture USA=NY + LA + deep south/religious trope. Or more recently USA=liberals + (typical conservatives + alt right). Maybe there's a differential now regarding the tangent between tea party and alt right). But it's been a long time since I did math.

I find freezing butter doesn't change the taste once thawed.

I live in a part of Western Canada with cold winters. The back of my home has a little door (about 30cm square) where the milkman would drop off dairy products. I didn't grow up here, so I have no memory of this, but I assume this delivery system was to prevent the products from freezing in the winter or

The amazing facial expressions by Ian McShane is why Hollywood needs to stop with the botox and cosmetic surgery…