
I came here to post this - I assume this will spin off into some reality TV show. Probably a la Hunger Games.

I doubt that. He doesn't seem the introspective type.

It's the weekend. I'm sure he's playing golf (I mean working hard).

I'm not familiar with the term "underclassman". Is that an American term? It took me (Canadian) a while to figure out the US "freshman, something I can't recall, junior, senior" terms. Grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12 - easy!

I don't know. That "Children of Men" world was pretty bleak. I suspect the fertile 10% would be held captive as breeding machines (also cue "The Handmaid's Tale")

That would be a punishment. The vast majority of our food is organic. I guess salt is inorganic. (Does this blow anyone's mind?)

Thank you! I, and other Canadians I know, say "eh" a lot, but not "aboot" - maybe some older Newfoundlanders, but not the vast majority. When "generic accent" American actors on TV say "about", it's seems very close to the Canadian way, but maybe a bit more drawn out.

Why did he get to name his stepdaughter? Didn't she already have a name?
Edited to add: Oops, someone already pointed this out…

Please tell me this is a joke…

Like aphids!

"bigwigs" - chortle, chortle, snicker

Don't get my hopes up. Nothing seems to stick to Trump…

They seem to care if you are a Canadian-Moroccan trying to cross the Quebec border in the USA. Five have been denied entry since this "Muslim ban" and Morocco isn't even on the damn list.

Sorry, I guess my sarcasm reader is defective today. That's on me. I didn't know about the term Southern Strategy (I'm not American), so I've learned something new!

The Republican party of today is not the Republican party of Lincoln's days. The policies of both parties have flip-flopped since then.

Make America Gag Again!

Yes, I was disappointed in May. Pleased with Trudeau though.