
I kept expecting the rest of the cast to come out and join her.

I especially liked the pussycat buttons (sewn along the mammary ridge, for the embryology folks out there)

Plus Trump is a reality tv personality, so anything he says or does is pop culture!

Audiobooks are great when the eyes stop working…

Yeah, I'd probably take a photo too. No possums up here in Canada (except maybe at some zoos?).

Last minute edits? Oh my god the Trumpsters were right! (That was Trump in the gif, right?)

Okay, this made me chuckle…

Probably memes…

But the DW Jungle Cruise didn't have the jumping piranhas, while the DL one did (that's the only thing I remember about those rides, other than the super long line ups).

Can I add Maurice to the list? He was pretty crappy too.

I think all American schools should study the book "1984" this year.

Penelope, thanks for being brave to share your thoughts and feelings, no matter how difficult. Everyone has different coping mechanisms (I listen to comedy podcasts, and think of my life as a book - I'm curious to know what the next chapter holds), and I hope you find some that work for you. There's also no shame in

Sadly I think there is a Tonya Harding movie in the works.

Forrest Gumption

I didn't know this is a thing! That explains why movies on our new TV look like daytime soap operas. Off to do some googling…

Ultra-lazy is squirting Nesquick chocolate milk sauce into a mug half filled with milk, and topping up with boiling water.

Uriah Heep?

Or "the dollars in my bank account justify the means".

After researching the DAPL controversy, it's not very clear-cut. There definitely needed to be an EIS before deciding whether to approve the project, and the US doesn't do a great job at federally regulating pipeline projects, but the First Nations group had a few years in which to participate in the consultation

Yikes, that's terrible. Here's an upvote? (Sorry, I'm never sure what to say in these situations…)