First up? Not Call of Duty, not Destiny, not League of Legends, but...Monopoly
First up? Not Call of Duty, not Destiny, not League of Legends, but...Monopoly
Not sure why you’d think this is coming from Microsoft, and not Mojang. Because Microsoft themselves are also on the receiving end of this ban as well.
Dear lord, please shut this weeaboo, nerd -virgin the hell up. Thanks!
And because of a vocal minority they change the game...
wrong, it’s already the second case of self censorship within a short amount of time.
One person complains and they buckle immediately.. you dont understand this encourages more of this behavior. It wasn’t even remotely sexual. 1>100?!
None of these really look like who they’re supposed to look like.
I dont know about sueing individuals but I know Disney would jump at the chance for an easy lawsuit against a company that already has extremly low public opinion
What do you mean “his brother or whatever”? How do you have any doubt that Luigi is Mario’s brother? It’s in the name. You lost all credibility in just 8 words. Good job.
Nope, I’ve been turning my Xbox off and on all day. I play a few games of MP then go watch some shows.
Weird....been online all week, not so much as a hiccup. Doesn’t matter anyway, their online usually stays up 95% of the time. If they go down, its only for a few hours.
Video Games Journalism.
Luke is a SJW, just look at his tweet on Play-Asia for DOAX3.
But that makes less sense than Kingdom Hearts.
Be careful with all that edgyness.
Why not? If you preorder something and it gets cancelled - you get your money back.
“and it just ruined the tone of the game.” Because excluding those characters, Street Fighter is all business. Street Fighter is campy as hell. Get over yourself.
You are confusing “behind the scenes” with Cliffy B Humble-bragging tweets.
This seems to be a glaring example of how backward Nintendo seems to be as a whole. Never embracing the nature of a constantly changing tech medium. Whether it’s e-sports, game-streaming, youtube uploads, online multiplayer, comparable hardware and now it seems even ‘unaproved’ podcasts where an employee does nothing…