(I know that video should be shot horizontally, but if you’re trying to be covert about it, vertical is the way to go.)
(I know that video should be shot horizontally, but if you’re trying to be covert about it, vertical is the way to go.)
Are you fucking high or just fucking stupid?
Cliffy B always came off as a douche. When he scoffed at Epic and pretty much dissed them for not picking up the ideas he had he made it sound like they had no idea what they were doing. So he left and made his own company to make those ideas come to life.... well... I guess those dickheads at Epic werent dickheads…
GTA as a franchise is dead. GTA6 - IF IT EVER HAPPENS - is all but guaranteed to be nothing but microtransaction bullshit. And so is Red Dead Redemption 2 for that matter.
I called my son it while playing this, and he said, “That’s Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog.”
Yep. The last time this issue was discussed the writer did the same thing, and the commenters all pointed out that he addressed the allegations directly.
Considering it was $40 at launch, this is false. Even then Overwatch is one of the most played games in the world, and clearly well worth the price of admission to most. Your opinion does not negate this fact.
I saw Ellie and thought, “Hey cool maybe she will end the last one focusing on possitve portrayls of women in games.” Nope! No one is safe.
I for one am absolutely disappointed in your narrow mindedness. I actually dislike the skin but the reaction on twitch chat during the skins reveal was extremely positive. This says that there is an actual crowd that wants it. Just because you can’t enjoy it does not mean they did a bad job. In fact, it’s the…
Bullshit. He bought a war GAME. You know? Digital people exploding into pixels?
Get used to it journalists. You are being replaced by twitch streamers and publishers no longer need your reviews to for sales because sales are now focused on pre-orders. So your reviews positive or negative could impact sales negatively and therefore not worth the risk of a billion dollar investment. Time to start…
I guess Street Fighter V is dying because Laura left for Overwatch and called herself Sombra.
So, Kotaku hates pre-orders, and not being able to show a game off prior to release, but has nothing against the numerous re-releases of the KH series? Gotcha.
I always dominated with D.va, I never understood people wanting her buffed?
Is this Pokemon Go’s fault, or a simple maintenance issue? :p
Derp. So much derp.
As has become annual tradition, I sat down with Bungie at E3 last week for a frank discussion about the state of Dest…