
So do I. I just dont get how Quantum Break gets massive amounts of crap for not reinventing the wheel meanwhile this very site said UC4 was the greatest thing at E3.

i’m almost 100% sure someone will call me a racist for saying this but there sure didn’t seem to be many italian people in that for a game called “Mafia”.

Someone needs to call out Nintendo on their bullshit. They’ve completely lost touch with so much of their market base by refusing to adapt with the times. The lack of proper back-catalogue support is just one example.

Then again, isn’t this what older games did? I was playing Sly Cooper 1 a few months ago and to get a documentary and outtakes you had to get all the collectables in each level.

So wait, he doesn’t like being a script kiddie, yet does it anyway just because? He says he is sorry, but continues to use the scripts and programs. That’s not being sorry at all.

I’d add Titanfall to the list, just because you can just kill the grunts and spectres, and the traversal is just so fun. Sucking in it hasn’t been as bad as other shooters.

And they probably won’t care.

Zombies seem to be a saturation-proof gaming style.

Phil’s a tool. Nuff’ said...

I’ve been waiting for this game since 2001 and it’s obvious that’s just a quick placeholder image. I don’t see why any rational person would be deterred by it when you have Yu Suzuki’s previous work to go off of.

I was also curious about what makes Vávra tick. I’d only seen him from afar, in figurative armor. I’d spotted him as a pugnacious user of Twitter who would mix Tweets about game design with angry complaints about so-called social justice warriors and charges that, as he put it last October, “the future of our biz is

As a standard console player for most of my life I can say this safely...

I’m sorry...but I have the biggest dumb grin on my face thank you for this. He failed at everything except waddling into our hearts.

You’re one of those creepy fuckers who threw a fit when Fallout 3 came out and wouldn’t let you murder the child characters, aren’t you?

I would like to play this game too...but I bought the Android perk.

“Play it First”

I really hope they go bankrupt so an actual publisher can buy these IP. “Now in Development”. It’s embarrassing. How many years in a row have we watched them re-use trailers?

EDIT: By reuse trailers I mean the non-KH ones.