But does the community have to fund $2 million dollars for it first, just to prove people want it?
But does the community have to fund $2 million dollars for it first, just to prove people want it?
Sony trying to get free press from it as they can’t be arsed to fund it themselves and expect the fans to.
No one gives a fuck about H1Z1
Good news, Tales fans: Tales of Zestiria, previously announced for PS3, will also hit PS4 and PC when it comes to North America and Europe this October. If only all Japanese companies treated their western fans this well.
If that was the case then you could have just left it as leaked documents. Instead it seems like you are stressing the fact Kotaku was first and it comes across as Kotaku should be getting credit for some of the confirmed rumors.
Someone is salty. “Look at me! Give us praise! I was first! I was FIIIRRRSSST!” I guess nothing else better to do than bash some reddit user for who was first? None of it really matters anyways because everything is rumor until Bethesda says it is true. If people are going to believe it true then let them. They are…
It’s about what another reply said; works fine about 80%. I’d personally say closer to 90%. Nine games out of ten are smooth as butter for me now.
It’s been working just fine for me. Maybe a little lag every now and then in a few multiplayer matches but the campaigns work great and matchmaking is much smoother imo
Should I care about Neon Struct? Absolutely. What it lacks in complexity, it makes up for with pure stealthy…
what would godzilla know about american pop music?
this show is still a thing?
if you’re a fan of return to castle wolfenstein, then i suggest playing it. seems like the reviewer went in already disliking the older games, so therefore bashed it just for the sake of doing so. its 20 bucks, and you get more gameplay/bonuses than you do with most 65 dollar games in that 20 bucks.
I actually enjoyed this game all the way through, contrary to what is posted here.
Why not watching some let’s play, reading other reviews (most of them with better scores) and judging by yourself?
They couldn’t do The Killing Joke. All of the SJW’s would cry havoc.
When Sony used Batman Arkham Knight pc footage at E3 where was this kind of article Jason?
That could be because “XBOX” comes with Windows 10
Yeah, because nobody in the industry has ever, EVER made a genuine mistake, especially when the crunch period before a game’s release hits. CD Projekt Red could have sent an incorrect file across. A file could have been named incorrectly. The person who creates the video for the Xbox channel could have had a choice of…