
Darkside failed to manage their customer's expectations. Blame Darkside.

The Delorean is mentioned — I saw this on Back to the Future’s Facebook page yesterday, so yeah, they’re involved too (though I was hoping for a Lego BttF game, oh well).

The humor may have actually been my favorite part personally, despite how every Kotaku article believe it too be awful. Though it’s a very Mileage may vary kind of humor I suppose. I’m a big fan of the cheesy wall breaking stuff.

Thanks for proving my point I guess.

Journalism, a word that has no meaning in the Kotaku office

One day I decided to make a Reddit account, and discovered I'd been reading it longer than I knew.

I'm pretty staunchly in favor of police demilitarization, and would even go so far as to describe myself as the treasonous "anti-police", but... come the fuck on.

I actually buy a lot of stuff with my Microsoft account so I don't do that. Plus, they aren't constantly proving I can't trust them like Sony. Still, I suppose it's not the worst idea.

Because the Xbox One is the only console having issues with games running properly? Your title is a bit console war-ish.

Nah. Believe it or not there is silent minority of people who were content with Halo MCC because they only played single player. Me and my best friend included.

Probably a good thing I bought the Master Chief Collection for the campaigns. Although I might be alone in that state of thought.

"Am I the only person who couldn't give a shit about these Batman games?"

There is an internal beta test. They aren't just releasing it. Don't a dick.

So I'm gonna be "that" guy: this track is drum & bass, not dubstep.

So you appreciate her lies and cherry-picked examples?

that quote right there is essentially to start a flame war in kotaku comment section... its the sad truth. I for one getting tired of this whole bloggers being biased now it heart breaking

Except that it's actually a shit load of fun.

Yup, this is literally unheard of in the gaming community. Price drops OMG, its another dreamcast!

Id throw my money at Count of the Jurassic Island.