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    Unless of course – and I know it’s a crazy, out-there idea – but maybe the companies were and are lying about how they can’t afford to do anything without raising prices while they make record profits...

    Travel security is NOT a non-issue, and expanding facial ID tech is definitely a step in the wrong direction.

    I’d say it’s safe to assume that this guy doesn’t live up to the reputation of men from Nantucket...

    PSA: Dorsey was never going to be social media’s savior.

    So... there were *checks notes*...

    Jamie Dimon, is that you? Are you punking me?

    I think you just made my point... can’t tell if that was your intention...

    While it is absolutely normal, a) the fact that a company is willing to wholesale cut dedicated workers loose at the drop of a hat *shouldn’t be normal*, and is part of the problem with late-stage capitalism, and b) if the goal, as often stated by Elon, is to have “hardcore”, undyingly dedicated employees, this is the

    The real problem is the endless string of Titanic “I’m the king of the world!” reenactments.


    I know where they could get $2 billion back...

    Having had extensive experience with Kaiser not wanting to pay for anything, I’m genuinely surprised to hear this. If I can ask, what was Ozempic prescribed for – obesity or diabetes (or something else)?

    Bullshit. “TERRORISM” is a boogeyman China has co-opted to provide a veneer of legitimacy to their oppressive and genocidal actions.

    100%. Well said.

    (from a previous post)

    “They” say a lot of things, but a quippy aphorism probably doesn’t examine the merits of the argument at an appropriate level for the situation.

    If this were a calculator or Pokemon index that had these concerns, nobody would bat an eye at the banning of it. By wrapping it in a speech platform (unintentionally, they were just trying to make something popular), they’ve not only created an effective trojan horse, but something that people are voluntarily

    US apps currently banned in China:

    Blah, blah, timelines hurting my head.