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    Guacamole robots are extra.

    I’m saving up for My Buddy, Buddy, Buddy™

    “To the contrary, the record evidence points to more consumer access to Call of Duty and other Activision content. The motion for a preliminary injunction is therefore DENIED.”

    Fair enough – 2 and 3 were vague enough to where I couldn’t say for certain.

    I can assure you that the last six are still around.

    There isn’t even a coherent point here. This is just a list of various grievances being blamed *without the slightest shred of evidence* on liberals.


    These guys are all idiots only interested short-term profits. If they threw their vast resources at developing renewables and green technologies, they could not only dominate the energy market of the next 100 years, but be hailed as heroes while they’re doing it. But they’ve demonstrated time and time again that

    It’s actually not a thing. Executives have just proclaimed this in defense of their own greed so many times that everyone believes it.

    By your own words, that’s unclear at this point.

    It’s just something in my eye... shut up.

    Now playing

    So many great scenes in an entirely solid movie, but Randy Quaid sacrificing himself to save the planet is hands-down the greatest moment.

    Agreed, this is just a fun, good movie. Now a true guilty pleasure is Armageddon – so bad, but Bruce Willis telling Liv Tyler that he’s going to have to break his promise to her because he’s blowing himself up to save the planet gets me every time.

    This actually sounds better.

    Two words: Magic Leap.

    Column view FTW!

    This is a sliver of hope. Next, can they do (just off the top of my head) Disney, Warner Discovery (or whatever they are now), Apple, Microsoft, Meta Google (I know they did some, but go for the big breakup), and JP Morgan Chase?

    Disney getting ugly about rights? I find that hard to believe. </s>

    OK, that’s even weirder.

    I’d pay the ridiculous price of admission to Disneyland to watch the Bill Nye robot fight the trump robot.