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    But we don’t see photos of the aftermath of the one recorded time it happened, we see photos and have a first-hand account of some upholstery smoldering slightly. That’s a FAR cry from anything that’s being asserted in this article, either by the author or their sources.

    I’m not saying that sunlight refraction/lensing *when done on purpose* can’t start fires, but I question that it can happen accidentally. In the original video of this article, even the firefighters failed to produce actual flame when intentionally trying and using paper as the fuel. On top of it all, even if all of

    Looks like loot goblins aren’t just in the game.

    Fair enough. The beauty of an SD card slot, though, is that each individual can decide how much storage they need, rather than being trapped by something that doesn’t meet their needs or having to pay extra for storage they’ll never use. Not to mention the ability to quickly and easily move data, and on the

    Yeah, I miss that dialpad too. They at least were smart enough to include that emulation though.

    I can’t speak to your usage, but here’s a rough breakdown of mine:

    It’s confusing...

    Now this looks like a spaceship! Cost and viability be damned, this is the direction I want us to go in!

    *Controversial Take*

    Yeah, we keep hearing about – and even see – fire experts warning about this but we still don’t actually SEE any proof of it. Ever. Happening. Even. Once.

    That’s kind of his thing – and by ‘kind of’, I mean absolutely, 100%.

    Through neighbour interviews, the origin has been determined to be a second story deck/sunroom area. Due to the propane tank explosion, the cause could not be determined beyond Accidental/Undetermined.

    There should be.

    This reeks of urban legend. Nobody seems to have any proof of such a thing EVER happening, save one guy who saw a little smoke coming off of his upholstery and stopped it.

    OK, so, if this is crossing the picket line, then serious question (not just snarking):

    So you’re saying I should move my cash from my traditional storage location of the damp towel pile in my back yard?