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    Pacino should have won for Serpico and Dog Day Afternoon.


    Luckily, it doesn’t seem like it can mentally alter human beings or lead to the end of the world.

    I can tell you from experience that over 5% utilization dings your credit (not by a lot, but ~10 points). The sweet spot I’ve found (though not easy to maintain) is less than 3%.

    Your data is from 2020, not 2021, but thanks for the surprising numbers!

    You’re drilling your holes too large.

    They do seem to have a point, but at the same time, screw Warner.

    I made a simple comment. Everyone else are the ones hijacking the Red Bull truck, but please, by all means feel free to polish off your can and jump on the dogpile too...

    I mean, they are wrong; the article literally says “If you’re dealing with a mess that’s resisting a soapy sponge and elbow grease, a brief soak in very hot water is the only way to go.”, not “If you’re dealing with a mess that’s resisting a soapy sponge and elbow grease, assuming you have the ‘right’ pans, a brief

    Dude, remember the point of the article.

    Yes, wet, low and slow (as they should be). If you want to try in some of the pans I have, I’d be happy to send them to you – you could just keep them, as a matter of fact – but I guarantee you a) will be soaking them in soapy water overnight, and b) will end up hiding them away, pretending that they’re not in your

    If you claim you haven’t fused eggs to a pan – especially one that purports to be “nonstick” but isn’t – you’re lying and you know it. I don’t know how you can even reach the stove from that high horse.

    Eggs fused to a pan are absolutely 100% easier to get off after soaking in soapy water overnight, and “a few minutes” in hot water is woefully inadequate for a job like that. Furthermore, reheating the pan does nothing to improve that situation, and arguably makes it worse.

    Out of the 28 dark chocolates Consumer Reports tested, five chocolates were found safe safer to eat.”

    All of those are legit, but this list is 100% invalid without Ellie and Carl.

    You’re so cool.