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    Hum. Don’t stop. It’s hard for your body to puke while you’re humming. (kid tested, parent approved)

    I think that the weather-related issue was that the wind started blowing in a different direction...

    Bad news about those dragons too...

    Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is only available on Windows via Steam, but on the Splashdamage website, there are also downloadable versions for Mac OS and Linux, along with source code.

    Forget pumpkin pie and make sweet potato instead

    Ommwriter is also a fabulous white noise writing tool.

    Don’t buy a Samsung refrigerator. Seriously. If you do, you’ll wish you hadn’t. Mark my words. I know they SEEM good. Don’t. Just don’t.

    Don’t buy a Samsung refrigerator. Seriously. If you do, you’ll wish you hadn’t. Mark my words. I know they SEEM

    Legacy Of The Ancients on C64 – walking through those dungeons, rounding a corner, and BAM:

    Fixed it for you:

    Don’t ever ever ever EVER buy a Samsung refrigerator. It will become the bane of your existence. I’m not exaggerating. Don’t.

    Don’t ever ever ever EVER buy a Samsung refrigerator. It will become the bane of your existence. I’m not

    Forgot one...

    *Googling “how many teaspoons in a glug*

    Now how am I supposed to get that authentic blue rubber flavor?

    It’s an obnoxious nitpick (so I apologize and am ready for the incoming attacks), but if you’re talking about Macs, the “Return messages from the grave” image should be Command (⌘) Z – not to mention that that key command isn’t actually how the task is accomplished (unless I’m off-base about the functionality).

    No, no you didn’t understand me at all. I was responding to your assertion that I was either stupid or terrible for saying that the game was brilliant – you know, “expressing my opinion”. This was an attack on my opinion, by the way, that came out of the blue, was uninvited, and passed summary judgement on me without

    I can presume from your response that you didn’t actually read about the game. If you had, you would either have a different opinion, or have just proven that you’re the secret Hitler.

    Sounds like the car employed the D.E.N.N.I.S. system...

    *Amber Heard has entered the chat*

    Useful instruction, and one of the few areas where video content is appropriate (or even preferable)! Thank you!

    Don’t buy a Samsung refrigerator. Ever. Unless you hate yourself. Don’t.

    Don’t buy a Samsung refrigerator. Ever. Unless you hate yourself. Don’t.