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    Manfred Mann’s “Blinded by the Light” is a masterpiece, and Springsteen’s is an impression of Hunter S. Thompson doing an impression of Bob Dylan. Meh. Springsteen has A TON of amazing timeless stuff, but this ain’t one of them. There was a reason Mann’s was the bigger hit. It is sheer awesomeness.

    Yours is the optimal plan.

    Plymouth Rock is just a rock!”

    Disagree on Mount Rushmore - it has a lot of issues around land stealing, but it is nonetheless legitimately impressive. The crowds? Less so. The nearby Crazy Horse memorial (eternally in progress) is definitely worth it too. But absolutely pad the trip with all of the various natural and weird attractions around

    I think it’s a hot dog.

    And unnaturally in Taco Bell “meat”.

    Taco Bell should lead with that in every commercial.

    Perhaps I’ve underestimated America’s stupidity...

    That was the musical equivalent of Dr. Pimple Popper – I... I couldn’t look away...

    Well then, by all means, let me dish you up...

    A) You show me anybody who associates Taco Bell with Latinx cultures.

    Really? A grocery store lobster salad is a) something that is only an aspirational pipe-dream to you, b) demonstrative of someone being irresponsible with BENEFITS THAT THEY ARE ENTITLED TO, and c) something that they should be prevented from making their own damn choices about with BENEFITS THAT THEY ARE ENTITLED TO?

    From the referenced Consumer Reports article about ‘Reef Safe’ sunscreen (emphasis mine):

    I call dibs on optioning this for a film adaptation.

    I call dibs on optioning this for a film adaptation.

    I don’t know what pro-wasp lobby got a hold of everyone at Lifehacker, but this is the second article in as many weeks saying that wasps are fine. THEY ARE NOT FINE.

    I don’t care who wrote it or what point it was supposed to make, but the ending of A.I. was insane nonsense that arguably ruined what was, up to that point, a masterpiece of a movie. It should have ended with a fade to black with David staring at the face of the Blue Fairy at the bottom of the ocean forever.

    Also an improvement.