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    True Romance

    How did everyone forget automatic seatbelts? Those. Were. THE. Worst!

    Project X (the 1997 movie with Matthew Broderick & Helen Hunt, NOT the 2012 party movie)

    While Steve Buscemi might have been in that (pre) Sundance movie, Reservoir Dogs is what made his career take off.

    So say you. Big whoop. Pick any movie named here or that you think is perfect, and I guarantee you that I can find people to shred it. This whole thing is subjective, and that’s part of the point, but I think you should maybe entertain the tiny possibility that you might be in the minority on this one.

    Hey, just because it’s not everyone’s cup of tea doesn’t mean it’s not a masterpiece...

    Let’s just agree NOT the theatrical release cut.


    You forgot:

    Tell me, Milker Anderson... what good is cud if you’re unable to chew?

    You’re right, they likely wouldn’t sell many 750-mile batteries, and especially at the same price/kWh as a Tesla battery. I mean, we’re all in speculation town here, but I think that this is a POC for how much energy density they can jam in there at a similar total battery cost to Tesla, meaning that a comparable

    I’d be lion if I said that I didn’t laugh at that...

    Now, THIS is a lifehack!

    If you’re not showing me how to make a towel swan, you’re not fulfilling the promise of the headline.

    Exactly that.

    No! Bad Hulu!

    Toy^2 is only for Duplo, based on what is on their website.

    This sentence is ridiculous and something absolutely needs to be done about it. He plainly does not deserve to have a life sentence for this. That being said, he also was not caught as innocently unaware with no time to make a decision as this article implies.