
My first car was a 2000 Dodge Intrepid. I always dreamed of having one with RWD and a hemi. 

Saw an Ocean on the way to work today. Felt sorry for that owner.

Ah crap, you’re right. Still my favorite sport “sedan”. 

I’m sorry, but if it has FWD, it doesn’t count. FWD can’t match the performance of RWD.

2011 Mustang with the *premium package*. Power everything inside, except for the seat back. The seat bottom is 6-way power adjustable, lumbar support is power-adjustable, but seat back is a plastic lever like a base model Escape. The bean counter that forced that should be taken out back and beaten with a sack filled

Quiet plebian. Elon has told himself that he is smarter than you, therefore it is objectively true!

20-year-old?? Take away his driving privileges AND throw him jail.

I always liked Aston Martin 2000's analog gauges. Substantial and elegant.

Musk is so detached from reality. Says “great humor requires revealed truth”, yet criticizes John Oliver of not being funny when Oliver *reveals the truth* about him.

Musk definitely has a Jesus complex, where he thinks anything he thinks or does is automatically right and amazing. But to the rest of us that live in reality, he is, most certainly, not.

Does Japan have a hydrogen fueling infrastructure that’ll actually let you travel around, unlike California?

Indeed, so true. 

Interesting that MB is using the electric turbo (forgive me if they’ve been using it for a while now). F1 is moving away from the MGU-H because it proved too complex and expensive for road cars, but I guess MB made it work. 

He’s one of the guys that was on the lucky side of the odds. I’m guessing he had a lot of racer friends that weren’t so lucky? You bring up a good point though, some drivers just assumed racing would kill them.

For me, it’s the current Mitsubishi Outlander. The incoherent mess they call a front facia makes it obvious that designing cars isn’t their priority anymore. There’s no uniform design language. I’m guessing there are different groups of designers working in solos, and at the end they combine it all together and push

One thing I find disgusting about lack of safety in the 50's-70's was the owner’s responses. Enzo Ferrari would say things like if the drivers thought the racing was dangerous, they should drive slower, which is a direct afront to the whole point of racing, and a good reason for any owner to fire a driver. At that

Three of my favorites are the Chrysler Atlantic, Ford GT90, and the Cadillac Sixteen. But I’ll throw it back in time to the Y Job by Harley Earl. When this was released in 1938, it blew people’s minds. It was about 15 years ahead of its time. 

Funny, Jesus told ME that this guy is a sexual predator grooming children. Why didn’t the church listen to me??

A pilot always has the option to go around, based on what they see with their eyes through the windshield, but geez-louise (yes, I’m from the Midwest), too close of a call for comfort. Their altitude of a few hundred feet above the runway doesn’t add danger to this situation, it’s plenty of clearance above another

This is a great idea! I’ll daydream about it while I watch the race in it’s standard format this year, and next year, and the year after that.