
Thomas’s bird, which was directed at his own team’s sideline, was a natural reaction to being proven absolutely right at a devastating cost.

Dang, everyone here seems to have gone to the school of comedy... thanks for letting us know that something wasn’t funny...

You’ve come to the wrong place... A blog site once owned by Gawker is the last place that will ever be considered “safe.”

I remember reading a statistic once that 9/10 food-born illnesses happened inside the home. I don’t know how legit it is, but it makes sense. Most people don’t know how quickly bacteria can spread...

Reading this, all I can think is that it’s not fair that this game isn’t out sooner, but then I’m reminded of that John Marston quote...

Solid take, a great compliment to the article...

Seriously! What was with all the hype on this clown going into this year’s draft? Talking heads in the media were so wet for his ‘measurables’ that they forgot that he’s about as talented as Peterman... The Bills are the new Browns, 0-16 this season, especially when their terrible o-line gets Allen concussed or

Are you against the BET awards too?


I don’t know anybody who played this game, and it’s a shame, because it was a blast.

I don’t believe so, but they did used to make a softer version of their chewing gum out of the pink rocks found in a quarry in the same town... 

I hated the shooting mechanics of this game. Probably why I quit. I’m kind of stunned that it’s the world’s most popular game given how garbage the mechanics are.

I agree with you, it tries to show the similarities between geeks and non-geeks. That does not mean that they accomplish that goal, it does not mean they make anyone laugh, and it does not mean it’s a good show. Remember, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

You’re right, I was out of line... sorry.

Full disclosure, I didn’t read the article. Mostly because, as you readily pointed out, it very clearly spelled everything out in the headline.
Side note, I am glad Heather has someone in her corner, a white knight if you will. I don’t think she’d know what to do without you. It’s so great of you to be there for her,

Yeah, but you reported that something small is happening and you don’t know why. That’s basically reporting that you have nothing to report, and is that really newsworthy?

“I feel such intense gratitude for our devoted viewers who are the ACTUAL reason we have been graced with the opportunity to explore these characters for 12 years of our lives.”

Is your life so good that you turn to a 20 year old, children’s film to find something to be angry at?

Honestly this is probably the saddest attempt at examining a film I’ve ever seen. Not only have you managed to miss major points and themes of the movie entirely, but you’ve managed to twist and mangle genuinely great

Thank god, I never understood why this show did so well. It’s black-face for nerds, or as I like to call it, nerd-face. A quick Lycos search shows hundreds of articles and takes on why it’s garbage, and yet, it is one of CBS’s highest rated shows. I’m not even trying to be a hater on this. I truly believe that not a

I think there’s a difference between Meltzer, a reporter, and Alexa Bliss, a heel throwing down body-shaming stuff. I’ll admit that the clip about Vickie Guerrero is straight up shaming, but when Alexa Bliss is shaming Nia Jax, I don’t really think we should be up in arms about that. A heel acting like an asshole and