
Jesus, dude, no need to attack me personally. Are you incapable of having a conversation without attacking someone? Are you the type of person who hides behind a computer screen and acts like a tough guy? Pull it together, there’s no need to act like that. Find a way to exchange your ideals and values without attacking

Take a look at the cocaine industry. Cocaine is illegal. Cocaine gets taken away from criminals when they’re caught with it. It doesn’t mean that there’s less cocaine. It still finds a way into the country. You can “ban” cocaine all you want, it will still make it into the country, and into the hands/noses of

Banning guns doesn’t stop criminals from getting guns. 

I’m not so sure it was him sending someone. For months he was going through the proper channels to get her evicted (he has nothing to gain and everything to lose if he gets caught being associated with the robbery), and the deets of the robbery were a little ridiculous. For instance, the guy held a gun to the two

Is it weird that I was excited about getting Frasier, and that I wish he was a character in this game?

Their number one priority? Why?? Why waste time on making sure everything works on one platform?? It’s a system with specs that are slightly better than the last generation of systems. Are the majority of their customer base buying this game on the Switch? Why not make your number one priority making sure most of your

More like 98 seconds spent undoing Hue’s mistake...

Wait a sec, Waluigi is his son?? How?

I’d rather have too many dipping sauces than Raising Canes one sauce bullshit... Screw that place!

Great article about another article Jason.

It’s not that it could be interference, it definitely was interference. It doesn’t matter if he interfered a little, or a lot. It doesn’t matter if Parra had a 100% chance of making the play, or a 1% chance. Dipshit McGoo interfered and as such, got Bregman out. Thems the rules.

Why is everyone into this socialist?

Why are you so quick to believe he did this? There is next to no evidence to support that theory, not to mention that he’s innocent until proven guilty.

Dude has millions of dollars at stake through the NFL. Of course he’s sending someone he trusts to “do his dirty work.” Cordon is not trustworthy. She’s squatting in what looks like a million dollar home. He’s given her plenty of time to find a new place and move on, but she refuses to. McCoy is now going through the

So a dude trying to evict someone just living rent free in their house is an asshole? How is that an asshole move? What planet do you live on where squatting is acceptable and commonplace?

Did you read what happened in each of those? One of them for sure, they were arguing, but the other two? Dude is trying to move on with his life and this hood rat is basically trying to claim squatters rights...

This is what’s so dumb about this case. He seems to have been playin by the rules up until now, so I don’t believe for a second he would hire some low rent thug to take the jewelry back. He has nothing besides some jewelry to gain from doing so, and a shit ton to lose. And his thug seems like a fuckin amateur...

Well shoot, you figured me out.

I dunno, I’m leaning toward the opposite side of this. It also seems like too stupid of a plan to be him too. Like he thought that nobody would ever make the connection?? No he might be dumb, but not that dumb.