This hit home way harder than it should have....or hit cardboard box
This hit home way harder than it should have....or hit cardboard box
Smash has some of the more pronounced footsies and neutral due to the nature of the game and size of the playing field. This is a double edged sword though. In most cases it leads to intense moments where both players are in the high percentiles where one smash would end it. However sometimes that leads to some…
Ehh I’m kind of glad it didn’t dive too deep into the current social justice kind of stuff.....with all the garbage going on in today’s world that’s the last thing I really wanna have looming over my head in a video game as I sick Boomer on a redneck cultist thinking “Gee, I wonder if Cletus here had a family? Maybe…
Depends on how you define making money. Will the cancerous followers of the Paul brothers show up? Yup. Will the advertisers on Twitch go running the fuck away? Yup. So really Twitch ain’t gonna make shit, but the Paul Brothers will once again walk away with millions by simply being human cancer
What no Crash amiibo to show up the shitty Skylanders one? (real talk I own the Skylanders one but I want an Amiibo of him)
Someone doxxed this kid and tried to have him killed by Swatting, and THAT’s your first question? Really? Victim blaming a 12 year old? I fear for the safety of your children. God only knows what kind of “parenting” you’ve done.
Breath of the Wild is a great comparison but not quite the level that MHW would need to be on it. The thing with BOTW is that the world was open and loaded but 90% of the stuff you couldn’t see was stationary and not actively moving around the map. In MHW there’s at least 3-5 giant monsters that actively need to be…
Real talk the limitation is literally no load zones. That’s all. I’ve played MH Since the PSP and I can tell you that the only serious major difference in regards to technology is graphical performance and zone loading. Every game prior to this you had to load into each zone that you see on the map. For example if you…
Real talk the limitation is literally no load zones and having the maps populated and moving like a realistic eco-system. I’ve played MH Since the PSP and I can tell you that the only serious major difference in regards to technology is graphical performance and zone loading. Every game prior to this you had to load…
Anyone who complains about how this system works has NEVER played the previous installments where each person had to post up THEIR quest in order to rank up. I’ll take having to load in a cutscene and leave and rejoin instead of having to play the same slow ass Dah’ren Mohran 4 times so me and my friends can play…
That’s an Xbox issue that supposedly fixed with a patch that went out yesterday.
First off, good to finally hear from someone who’s opinion is actually valid....assuming you’re not lying.
EXACTLY MY POINT! Like did the authors here even think to ask Ugandans? Clearly not. Right now its just 2 white people talking about how “racist” a meme is towards Ugandans. Unless either one of them wants to come out and talk about how they are actually Ugandan.
Finally some LEGIT discussion. Jokes can absolutely be racist. Racist jokes can be funny. They can also be in bad taste. Now I have some possible counter-questions to follow up with though.
The fun part is racism being exclaimed by white people on behalf of black people. That puzzle is the hardest to solve
Do you even need to read the article? Its written by 2 white people claiming something is racist towards black people without input from black people. Yeah that seems to be the narrative of most Kotaku’s liberal postings. As an Asian American I’ve seen way too many “racist” things come out of Kotaku before, but no…
Thank you for appealing to my Love Live obsession
This is the most depressing yet accurate description ever.
No one likes the Gold suit? Its shiny as hell and finally put that Silver Mario amiibo I got to good use.