But why couldn’t they do this for the Pokemon Amiibo? They are all generic :(
But why couldn’t they do this for the Pokemon Amiibo? They are all generic :(
Then he’s an idiot.
Are you serious. Do you actually think this was an evil plan by MS and not a sound business decision?
It just seems like people are screaming that someone else gets a piece of their cake. The cake was a lie and now they don’t want it.
Look back at the Microsoft conference at E3 2013. They advertised Quantum Break being only available on Xbox One. Not PC. Not PS4. They pushed the fact that in order to play the game you needed an Xbox One. We now find out 2 months before release, just kidding you dont’ need an Xbox at all. You could have had a gaming…
But I don’t think that’s what hes crying over. I interpreted it as he was complaining that he bought an XBox One to get exclusives like Quantum Break, only to discover he could have bought a gaming PC instead for the same game. He seems to be frustrated that he was told by Microsoft that to play Quantum Break you…
If console owners think PC users are getting the better end of the deal, then they should’ve bought a PC to begin with, especially regarding aspects like free online play which has been a known variable for a long time now.
Ok I’m convinced your are an idiot.
Correct. Look at some of the other replies I made and you’ll see I agree with you completely. Its more a principal thing, not that others get to play, but that companies (in this case Microsoft) try to use “total exclusivity” as an incentive for spending that money on their console instead of a PC for the same price,…
Yeah, like I said in a later reply, assuming the guy just wanted the best quality version of the game available, it sucks that he is now stuck with the most likely inferior version on Xbox One. Probably won’t be by much, but we know how good stuff can look on PC, as I’m sure you saw with the Witcher 3 (seriously how…
You should clearly buy whatever system you think is the best system, based off of the system itself. If your basing your large purchase off of your smaller purchase, there is no helping you. Would you choose which car to buy based off of which accessories are available for it? If the answer is yes. Well, go back to…
Very true. Which is why I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. And nope, to me I would be happy playing it as long as it ran fine with lesser graphics. For this guy he may not. Keep in mind that when both the PS4 and Xbox One were being advertised before launch, all of these titles announced were there to…
Best version of the game? Does not buy ANY game that happened to be on PC too because he won’t have the “best” version.
I’m sorry is this article about Arkham Knight or Mortal Kombat X? Its about Quantum Break. Also notice the exclusive shitiness that belongs to WB Games you described? Again not the case here.
Of course its very possible to get decent PCs that run as well as the consoles for prices not as much higher. But again its still more. In the case of someone who can’t afford that much its a bit of a dick move that the company advertises it will be best on Xbox One, then later a few months before release add that it…
I love how Dorkly interpreted it haha
No see he doesn’t. What (I assume) he wanted was the BEST version of the game. Originally he was promised this would be on Xbox One when the game was announced at E3. Guess what? That’s not the case anymore. The best version is on PC. That’s could be argued as a bait and switch. So he could have instead bought a high…
Well you have to be fair about it. The first 151 were....well the first. There was nothing before them. Now that we have....what 800 or so, we kind of compare them to the previous ones. So its more like in comparison to the older gen stuff, they seem to be running out of ideas.
Then maybe buy a fucking PC and stop being a crybaby that other people get to play the same games.
There is a bundle that has them all together now too if you didn’t buy them individually.