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Not sure about superpowers, I do remember this:

Never said MSFT or Sony didn’t do the same. I quite agree. Same shit, new number, added flavor. Still despite that both have had very successful new IPS lately. You named 3 games. 2 casual games (although Wii Sports was fun as shit in its hayday). Forget the casual stuff, we can all agree those don’t really count

Damn, you really brought us back down to Earth...bound....

A+B+Down. Always

That’s an interesting point. So his R.O.B. review is ok? His Zelda II review is ok? There’s an awful lot of footage in there, and in his Zelda II review he does play beginning to end.

and then you read the tags and “Faggot” shows up.

Except those are not console exclusive IPs. Nintendo has had these IPs for years and its the same shit. There’s a reason why people say Skyward Sword is the worst Zelda ever produced.

So if this is unauthorized use, why aren’t EA, Sony, Sega, MS, etc not going after them? This is what I don’t get. So many claim its not fair use its illegal blah blah. Then why does no one do anything about it? Someone needs to go to court and set a precedent. Take em to court, set some laws. Stop with this bullshit

By your logic, AVGN should also be sued and removed from YouTube as well.

No, as douchey as they are, they really take no blame in this. If Nintendo had done their jobs and actually supplied customers with product, scalpers wouldn’t have any reason to hoarde and couldn’t sell them over MSRP. You wouldn’t see Wii Fit Trainer going for upwards of $50 online. You wouldn’t see Villager going

Nope, hence why I never bought the damn thing X) I did buy a bunch of other Amiibos though

I’m sorry, did he just drill through the ground in a TMNT 1980s technodrome style pod? All the wins.

Actually, only one is made of gold, and hes going for outrageous prices on Ebay

But the answer is a yes to both ;)

Not really gold. Its the scalpers making gold. Nintendo sells em for $13 and the scalpers in turn make $50+ off of each one no. Lucario was his replacement. Period. Clone, not so much. But 100% replacement. Not because MewTwo wasn’t good enough but because Nintendo uses smash as a means to promote other games. At the time Diamond/Pearl were new, so Nintendo needed something to promote the games. If Lucario wasn’t a replacement,

If the whole DX vs NWO segment was an indication, pretty much. Despite that, being there live and seeing it was fun as hell!

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That last clip just had me laughing because I was imagining this:

Something I never understood with problems like these, what is at fault? Its clearly not the firmware because almost everyone is having it work perfectly. Is it possibly your console? Is it in a widely vented area? Are you using a custom hard drive? Issues like this suck. Sorry to hear it man.

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The fuck did I just read.....what is this shit trying to get me all depressed.....WHO PUT THIS BOWL OF ONIONS HERE!?