Also this isn't the first time Spiderman has crossed over with Japanese TV shows.
Also this isn't the first time Spiderman has crossed over with Japanese TV shows.
Oh the irony. I don't think you understand the comparison. Mass Effect, much like the Destiny DLC, are timed exclusives. Ever heard of it? It means that platforms get games exclusive to them for a limited time.
Can't be the only one that read that as wanking.....yes I realize I'm horrible.
I know she does, again I'm HOPING that turns out good....because it started strong and has gone downhill ever since.....
Who says I didn't back it? Does my 10 bucks mean nothing?
I read Beast Batteries and immediately though.....BRAVE IN!
I read Beast Batteries and immediately though.....BRAVE IN!
Where did I say anything about taking Hitman away? Maybe you responded to the wrong comment?
. I think I worded mine in such a way though that your sentiments are off base. Correct, its not a critics job to solve a problem. However Anita is not just a critic. She is a self proclaimed leader of a movement. She is a self proclaimed leader in the gaming community. So yes it is her job to fix it if she is to be…
You can have an opinion on anything you want. What you can't do is say something is bad, demand it be changed, make others believe it should be changed, and do nothing to change it. This is the definition of Sarkeesian. While she has had valid points in her arguments, she has done absolutely NOTHING to further her…
To be fair, PlayStation had to wait for Mass Effect 1 for 5 years, Mass Effect 2 for 1 year. So I think Xbox owners can wait a good year for some DLC ;)
I find it interesting how this mindset has flipped. When Microsoft did it with Call of Duty it was Ok, but with Destiny and PlayStation its not? You don't hear me complaining about not getting my CoD Maps the same time as Xbox guys :(
This is pretty awesome, but JUST SHOW ME LINK ALREADY!
How was Jessica not the winner of this competition:
Exactly. Figuarts says hi
Pretty much this. I never touch PlayArts. I'm more of a Figuarts guy.
The Chus are some of my favorite cosplayers out there:
Anyone else thinking that they are waiting for Spring to make Mewtwo Amiibo and that's how you get him if you don't own the 3DS version?