
Either way, my point still stands. Nothing has changed with CoD yet it still sells tons despite getting panned and shat on by fans and critics alike this year. Why is it that those games STILL get tons of press and sales while games like this get shat on and then don't sell. Boggles my mind.

Its not can't adapt, its refuse to adapt. Hence Call of Duty. Shit has yet to change yet is still one of the best selling and most widely played games ever.

Legit complaints and put in much better form than 99% of the people who claim to hate the series. Well said.

Are you talking about SquareEnix or are you talking about Activison and EA? I Can't tell.

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Lol. Why are the Korean media outlets acting like this is something new? All the girl groups take a stab at it at some point. AoA is one of my favorites and I guess it was about time for them to go the "sexy" route. Also, Soshi Marchen Fantasy says hi.

The same age kids like action figures. The whole appeal of Disney Infinity and Skylanders is that you can play them on your console and then take the figures and play with them separately. Even older audiences play the games because of the collecting aspect. Think Pokemon in real life. Collect a toy, interact with

Your example is different though, and I totally agree with you on it. Especially if it was offered on THEIR network/channels and you bought it through them. Time sensitive things are understandable. For example if there are games that have special events on certain weeks and suddenly a network goes down,there's a

But here's my thing. Think of how many thousand's play Garry's Mod. Then you say "dozens." that's not enough. It needs to affect a large portion of the community for it to get noticed. If you had said thousands then yeah its stupid they won't recognize you need assistance. But dozen's is hardly anything to note of.

My favorite complaints, are the ones that treat gaming like its life or death.

Here's the thing. How big of an issue is your glitch? Is it just affecting you? Or is it affecting millions using the Gary's mod? It may not be that they are ignoring you, but you might literally be one of 10,000 that has this issue. Are the one's making self-entitled complaints a group of many? If there's 10,000 of

The thing that gets me about Korea and its plastic surgery is the hypocrisy that comes with it. Often times it is commonplace and even recommended for people to get plastic surgery in Korea, but when they do they get chastised for it when its found out by the public, especially if its a famous idol. Not saying this

Say what you want about VG cats, this one still makes me laugh like crazy.

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Surprised no one referenced the Powerpuff Girls Z

PS3 Make the best gaymes, beetches.

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Yeah the translation was confusing. Sucks too, I thoroughly enjoyed the cutscenes......through gameplay and through youtube :D

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This was awesome, but I gotta ask.....what does everyone have against green Link? This reminded me of Lindsey Sterling and she too decided on a different color than the classic Green Link. Not complaining really, just curious: