Btw, your argument is dumb, all my ramblings notwithstanding. You’re just a dumb person. That doesn’t make you a bad person. Just everything else you do and say.
Btw, your argument is dumb, all my ramblings notwithstanding. You’re just a dumb person. That doesn’t make you a bad person. Just everything else you do and say.
No, you misunderstand me. You should shut the fuck up. I know it’s a lot to keep straight. Just try harder to shut the fuck up and you’ll be fine.
Demonstrating what again? I need more clarification on whatever you’re talking about. Please go on.
Gosh you’ve wound yourself up. You have buttons the size of a pensioner’s phone. I can’t wait for the next installment.
Yes, that’s my argument precisely. Because business text books apply to whether or not a guy should be able to enjoy life, or work for some contract you’ve imagined. You’re not a very good troll, but you’re a really good dumb person.
You’re doing a great bit. Or living a terribly sad life. Congrats.
Which is...? You can’t wait to tell me!
Martin, probably the most celebrated fantasy author living, is a “fuck up?” When you’re working on your little novel, be sure you understand the meaning of words like “hyperbole” first. Oh and your brain doesn’t work.
You act like he took a bunch of advances from every reader. Unless you’re the publisher, get back to the shutting the fuck up, please. Thanks.
It’s insane that you think authors have some responsibility to you. They’re people doing a job for money, not your fairy godmother.
“Less sales.” Are you his accountant? God, your arguments are dumb. Every sentence is just getting dumber and dumber. The funny part is, I’m sure you’re a guy who holds himself up as smart at dinner parties. Oh how people chuckle.
No, you may have assumed that as you bought the book, but some here keep acting like every fan agrees there’s some unwritten contract to finish the series. You know not everyone thinks that, right? I don’t. I think I bought a book. I mean, how do you handle a tv network canceling a show - I’ve been cheated!
I love that your odd mind has brought religion into this somehow - and you are just gonna hold onto that with all your might, regardless of how little it applies. I respect the man as a writer and creator, that’s it. That’s as far as my zealotry goes, but by all means, keep shooting at a target only you can see.
A bleeping idea of what? Your silly, juvenile idea of Big Business! “Deadlines are deadlines.” Brilliant! Please treat me to another sweaty post about - what were you bloviating about again?
And I’m sure you’d be the first one here complaining about production delays if they did that. You’re also assuming everyone agrees with you that the scripts need to be “fixed,” but your insane entitlement probably won’t allow you to recognize that.
It’s his fault, how? What’s the fallout, exactly? You get pissy? Hahahahah. I’m glad you take time out of your undoubtedly busy and important schedule to educate twerps. You should try using some of that time to be a less loathsome human being.
Wait, religious - what? I haven’t even read more than two of the books. I just think you’re an entitled idiot. Your screeds reveal that, deep down, you do too. Uh-oh. Quick, write another essay!
Spoken like someone who has never written anything worthwhile.
No, they didn’t. You thought you did because you’re a moron. That’s not really GRRM’s fault.