David McKay

Why don’t you shit in one hand and go about politics that way in the other and has see which one fills with results first.

No, factually speaking he checks neither all of those boxes nor do those boxes represent actual early warning signs of fascism. By the time these are checked off, fascism is in full power, and it’s too late.

Good point, and may I say very estute observation. America is not about being a pussy, glad your pussy ass Portuguese friend stayed home.

Good news, the fascist moved out of the white house 3 months ago, and Canadians can just need a valid passport to cross the border. I don’t think that blocking “tourists” from countries we’re currently bombing from visiting will have any catastrophic effect on any of our major destinations...except they’ll still be

Should they not be happy they are here? I’ve been all over the world, and I’m happy I’m here. Shouldn’t most anyone be able to spend money here in the states and be happy with their purchases (or do you think that those fuckers to go back home and never come back), shouldn’t a student be happy to graduate at the to of

Cultural relativism is a great way to blindly splash around in the cultural kiddie pool without having to get up to your tits in it and critically think about it. There is good and bad in all cultures everywhere, and believing that they are all equal is foolhearted. After all, without the bad, what is good. I

Nope. He’d still be an illegal immigrant. Trump was pretty clear that he would deport those on incorrect and expired visas.

It makes a lot more sense if you’ve ever seen a pig try to swim. It’s very reminicent of someone exhausting themselves and slowly making their way to the finish, except pigs finish by drowning.

Actually, the defensive players are less likely to be concussed from those hits. Notice how they square up and their heads don’t wobble much after impact. Also notice how much Cams head rotates from many of these hits. Hits that torque the head like that do much more damage than a similar, more linear hit.

Yeah. My sister smoked them for awhile because she thought that it said addictive free. People are stupid it’s not American Spirit’s fault. I smoke them because I enjoy the flavor of the raw untreated tobacco (especially the pirique tobacco).

To put the prices in perspective, I paid $99 for a 3 day GA pass in 2013.

I am considering modifying a 280zx with a flip button like that on the gear stick that controls the butterfly valves. When I'm dictator, I will commemorate the day that I had this idea by creating Butterfly day (celebrating cars, making stupid bitches happy because butterfly and it will be celebrated with a firework

I'm sorry, but you're all wrong. The correct answer is the Lamborghini Egoista. Everything about this car screams for it to be cast as the next great hero car. Whenever I see it I can't help but double check the front fascia for spots where the body panels slide away and machine guns slide out. For fucks sake

Do you not think that violence would make golf and tennis more fun to watch. I think that badminton, track and field, croquet, bowling, fishing, curling, poker, kickball, synchronized swimming, diving, gymnastics, and chess would be better as contact sports.

I wanted to go to the race this year, but the $50 hike in ticket prices was enough to put it out of my price range (broke college student).

A car without a drive-train technically isn't a car.

You best take that back.

President Bush approves.

2004 Fleetwood Bounder. I wouldn't consider it a lemon though. Almost all of the failures and problems that we had were do to thw batteries that were installed incorrectly which at different points in time caused either the batteries to fail or something connected to the batteries to fail. The dealership fixed the