Donald McCarthy

Very fair argument.

I honestly don’t mean this as a critique of this post in particular, since it’s an internet-wide phenomenon, but there’s something so strange about the way we build whole articles out of tweets. In this case, the tweet itself is hilarious precisely because it’s so succinct – some random dude provided her with

I’m getting an impression that this trailer is an extremely misleading about the film’s overall style and focus.

What does the scene’s setting have to do with how a director and his cinematographer light and execute the shot? JJ Abrams likes his flat TV lighting mixed with Lens Flare, that’s his thing. If you’ve ever seen Brick you’d know that Rian Johnson likes somewhat darker lighting and tension in how he frames his scenes.

The day I realized Top Men Guy is also Porkins in Star Wars and Lt. Eckhardt in Batman was...well...more exciting than it should have been.

I hope everyone involved in this gets doxxed for doing this. What the fuck is wrong with people? This incessant attitude that everything is everyone’s business.

“I also do not consider a reference to Richard Linklater ‘s film Slacker to be an informed comment on either the murder of President Kennedy, the cover up that ensued, or my 1991 film JFK.”

I wish that was the whole letter.

Please, please, let us stop normalizing these two Presidents. The failures and ideological policies of W were vast, and they did lead to an untenable situation for Obama in the first years of his term. HW was not much better; when he was the head of the CIA, he negotiated the Iran hostage situation so that it would

I don’t see how restricting that visual creativity is necessary to making a film that works. They even had some designs for new Rebel fighters that were dumped in favor of “It’s gotta be X-wings”. I mean I thought TFA was just fine but the dearth of new things is a point against it.