Donald McCarthy

He was great in The Walking Dead, but he was also great in a lot of other things, too. His one scene in Hostiles is tremendous. They needed an actor that could be menacing without sounding it with just a few lines and boy did they pick the right guy for that part.

Not sure I’d take the guy who scripted Solo over George Lucas.

We live in such terrible times that it’s easy to forget that Cheney was 100% as evil as any of the current people we deal with. He was just better at hiding it.

I would understand his anger if he was falsely accused (although, I think it’s virtually impossible at this point that he didn’t do it), but it’s not just his disturbing temperament. It’s also what he said at the hearing. He snarled at senators, he blamed a conspiracy by the Clintons, repeatedly answered questions by

I’m glad I’m not alone in having love for the Star Wars prequels.

This was ten thousand times better than it had any right to be.

I agree with you. Obama deserves a lot of respect for the Iran Deal. He also, and it’s probably hard to believe this now considering what’s going on, developed a relationship with Russia that was putting us in the right direction.

The prequels had some significant flaws, but the Jedi Order being a bunch of stubborn, arrogant jackasses read as totally intentional to me. I think Lucas’ intent was to show that they were not these grand wizards people thought they were, and I think that was one of his best decisions in the prequels (along with

Does this sorta kill the chances of a sequel?

I hope you’re right! I didn’t know about that audience reaction, but I’m glad they chose not to change their vision.

Yeah, this was not a trailer that got me too excited. I’m a big fan of the trilogy, and the first half of this trailer, with a sad Natalie Portman, does not seem to be the same character/story/atmosphere I read. I get that an adaptation will change things, but, and judging only from this, this does not seem to be a

I’m fine with forgiveness, but I don’t think there needs to be a way back for these guys. They’re rich. They don’t need more money. There’s no reason we need to take the chance with them on set again.

People can feel free to critique his jokes, but as a non-Jewish person I don’t really feel it’s appropriate for me to call his jokes offensive or in poor taste when he’s a Jewish person who lost a hell of a lot of family in the Holocaust. Maybe, just maybe, he knows the seriousness of the Holocaust and should be given

I wasn’t so hot on the first season, but I’m curious about the giant creature from the trailers, since I like big monster stuff.

Seeing a joyful Larry David is one of life’s rare pleasures.

I’ve done a lot of writing while listening to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Just incredible stuff. His lyrics always touched me in ways I can’t fully explain.

So long as he will give them tax cuts, he will stay.

I enjoyed all three books, but the second was my favorite. I’m always surprised when people prefer the first book the most; I found the last two added a lot to the experience for me.

Oh, my God.

This was definitely the problem in Batman Begins, but the fight sequence between Bane and Batman in the sewers is an all time classic.