
As somebody who lived in Texas for 20 years, this statement is more accurate than you know. I worked with an A&M grad who was otherwise a pretty nice guy that I absolutely LOVED to needle. Nothing took him from 0 to 60 like pondering the innate homo-eroticism of the yell leaders. 

Sat here looking at this for 10 minutes and I still can’t choose. So much dreadfulness...

Yeah, I don’t get it either. Granted, I’m not a mega traveler, maybe three or four flights a year.

Towns is not the issue. He’s got his flaws on the defensive end, but he’ll be a perennial All-Star for the next decade-plus who can get an efficient 20/12 rolling out of bed. Wiggins, on the other hand, has not improved one iota since he’s been in the NBA. That’s the killer. 

On the contrary, I enjoy receiving updates whenever idiots like Clay Travis trip over their own dicks.

I am also a Vikings fan, and after three decades of dealing with HOF Packers QBs, I do not love those things. 

Philadelphia: The Butter Won’t Stop Us

Anybody picking Oregon has clearly never been to the Midwest. At least there’s Portland, which would triple the minority population of at least five or six states if it was magically transported. Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, both Dakotas, Montana, etc. 

Lol, that is amazing. Compounding his fuck stickery is the fact he was a really good player in college. Usually those guys get respect by default. Not this dipshit.

Owens is absolutely a Hall if Famer, but if you had to pick one player who would get pissy about not getting voted in fast enough and boycott the ceremony, anybody with even passing knowledge about how comically insecure and thin-skinned he is would bet the house and everything else they own on him. That’s a safer

I don’t give a shit who your QBs are, 200-some touchdowns speaks for itself. So does a 1,200-yard season at 40. I hated the 49ers with a passion, but Rice scared me more than any other athlete besides Jordan. There was never any sense he was riding anybody’s coattails. He always delivered, year after year after year.

After watching the utter farce of Mike “The Date Rape King” Cernovich fomenting an online mob to take down James Gunn, I think I’m just going to opt completely out of the whole Twitter Outrage game. 

Wow, that seriously triggered my gag reflex.

Totally relate. When I’m in a good groove exercising and really watching what I eat, i.e. super strict with a cheat meal every 10 days or so (egg whites/oatmeal, chicken/broccoli, fish/asparagus), it won’t be long before I start drooling over menus and pictures of food.

Believe it or not, they’re out there. (Gay Republicans.) Matter of fact, I got into it with one recently on a basketball message board that has a politics/current affairs board, in which he was accusing liberals of putting politics ahead of principals while ALSO urging conservatives to vote for Roy Moore because the

538 did an analysis that penalties at the World Cup, at least in shootouts, are converted at just 71.5 percent. It’s slightly better at other major competitions, like the European championship, at 75 pct. The former total would be a below-average FT pct, so it’s definitely not the lock people think it is.

So, SO bad. Half the reason I get high, maybe more, is the amount and quality (or lack thereof) of sheer junk I’ll be able to put down over the ensuing four or five hours.

I can never eat at Subway after a friend described their bread as smelling like “wide-open ass.” I don’t necessarily agree, but the idea is permanently implanted in my brain. 

Lloyd Christmas likes the way you think. 

Uh, that’s the joke.