
I think it as more of an editorial decision. Villeneuve said he wanted to be laser-focused on Paul during Part 1 as part of the table setting that is required for any story of this scope. Something about how easy it is to get buried in details with Dune and that he wanted to avoid overloading the audience.

Duke Leto also spells it out for Paul that the great houses look to the Atreides for leadership, and that this threatens the emperor, so the stage has been set for a war.

Seems like an insanely pretentious term to use, and then she mocked him for not understanding the apparent lingo of the rarified Hollywood elite. If anybody said something like that to me, I’d probably think they spent most of their waking hours up their own asshole. 

I’m about the furthest thing from a Britney Spears fans as there is, but this was infuriating to read. Who knows, maybe she does need some kind of monitoring or whatever. (It’s hard to imagine somebody who can record, tour and maintain a hugely popular, multi-year Vegas residency can’t manage their own life, but for

I thought it was pretty clear that Bettany was referring specifically to this series rather than the MCU as a whole.

I’m with you. I’ve been waiting for this movie for decades and it looks absolutely mind-blowing to me. It didn’t even occur to me that anyone would consider this to be tame given how beautiful and impeccably crafted it looks. I am 100 percent down with Villeneuve’s entire aesthetic. And the scale/scope looks truly

Yeah, I work for a web site for a high-profile pro sports league, and although breaking news isn’t our purview, our boss drills that into our head: Don’t get fired over a tweet. Nobody cares if you’re 30 minutes late on something as long as you’re right. 

There is no god.

Another one: Holdo makes an enormous personal sacrifice to save the rebellion, er, resistance, but when Finn tries to do the exact same thing however many minutes later, we get Tico’s big save-n-speech about how they aren’t going to win by “fighting what we hate, but saving what we love.”

The funny thing is, I thought TLJ did pretty much the exact same thing. I wasn’t invested in any of the questions Abrams posed in any way, shape or form. TFA was a pretty uninspired rehash full of lazy storytelling that lost a ton of luster upon repeat viewings. But I found TLJ to be enormously alienating in the

There’s definitely a posturing twat here, just not the one you think.

I’ve been going to the movies for more than 40 years, of every kind of genre you can think of, and Endgame was one of my best theater experiences, bar none. I don’t give a shit if it was “cinema” or not. 

I think more opportunities, but the audience for those opportunities have been increasingly fragmented given how enormously streaming companies have disrupted the industry.

Marzipan dildos forever

I can’t imagine being team anybody with this show. They’re all utterly detestable. That’s the whole point. 

Pretty good Darren Rovell impersonation. 

Speaking of predictable, how about serving as a case example of the exact type of joyless, smug, obnoxious prick he’s lampooning in the first place?

My intuitive understanding of the laws here is that the guy who scored on a rebound of a missed penalty kick was able to do so because his entire body was in the box before said PK was taken. Not an inch or two, but entirely in. This is against said laws, and there isn’t a fan base alive that would have been content to

Still using their original logo and font from 1922.

Semi-related, great piece on New Jersey’s defunct Action Park, AKA Traction Park, a notorious 80s/90s water park known for minimal regulations and major injuries. Doesn’t seem possible a place like this was allowed to exist.