why were you hard in the first place?
why were you hard in the first place?
I would be tempted to respond with a snide “well, I’m lucky that I haven’t gained weight every year and can still wear it.” Then look her up and down. Even if she hasn’t gained weight. :)
Thank god I’m a librarian. The day they enforce a ban on Easy Spirit shoes and threadbare cardigans is the day I turn in my retirement papers.
Would it be too much to hope for the return of Pissing Contest too?
Republican men don’t think women face obstacles because THEY ARE THE OBSTACLE.
I’ve never seen anyone who looks more like they reproduce via spores than Rick Scott.
Spelling is a bourgeois construct
As my Grandpa Merle used to say, ol’ Kurt’s about as edgy as a billiard ball.
I know that there are programs (private run/charities, not government run) that rescue women from domestic abuse situations. I wish we gave those programs better funding. I wish that it were a mandate that police give information to women about these programs when they respond to a call. I was extremely paranoid when…
For those who inanely speculated about which parent was the perpetrator and guessed (or made an “informed decision” from your couch) correctly, claim your prize: A family is dead, guns are still too accessible to those who cause domestic disturbances and masculinity can still be toxic and deadly. But you were right…
Flag and dismiss, ladies. Remember to flag and dismiss.
I swear to CHRIST you leave croquettes out of this
“Hope Hicks” is also a key part of the RNC’s voter turnout strategy.
Christie conditionally vetoed a similar bill in November 2015, saying he’d rather focus on making it easier for domestic violence victims to get guns of their own.
I LOVE 1776.
When I first started my library degree in 2010 the LOC still used the term “cookery” for cookbooks, just to give an idea of how outdated some of these terms are. After the above debate started I looked it up and it seems they finally updated it.
I thought the terrible clothes were deliberately designed that way, and were supposed to be part of my punishment for not looking the way society says I ought to. You know, like Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter.
It’s actually about ethics in sixth grade track sports reporting.